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PO BOX 1909
Svadi “The Giant” Hjovardsson 0310- M: Áshild Øysteinsdatter 0320- d/o King Eystein Hardråde of Heidemark 0300–0350 and Solveig~ 0300-
Nor Thorrasson King of Alfheim 0345–0455 Alfheim, Norway M: Hódda Svadisdatter 0352- Children: King of Agder (Legendary) Gard Norsson; Thrand Norsson, king of Trondheim and Raum "the Old" Norsson, King of Alfheim
Raum Nórsson King of Alfheim 370-450 M: Hildur Gudraudsdottir 0371-0470, d/o Gudröd the Old (Guðrǫðr inn gamli) the son of King Sölvi (Sǫlvi) who first ruled the land now called Sóleyjar (the modern region of Solør comprising the municipalities of Grue, Åsnes, and Våler). Raum inherited south-eastern Norway and also the northwestern valley of the Rauma river to the western sea which waters the region called Raums Dale (modern Romsdal). Raum in this account also ruled the land of Álfheim to the south. Children: "Jotunbjørn" Bjørn Raumsson; "Gudbrand" Brand Raumsson fra Gudbrandsdalen; King Alf "Finnalf" Raumsson of Alvheim; Kong Hadding Raumsson av Hallingdal and Telemark; Hring Raumsson, King of Ringerike; King Gudraud Raumsen av Gudbrandsdalen and Haud Raumsson.
Hring Raumsson King Of Ringerike 0402–0499 M: Ektefelle Fodd Visfilsdatter 0414–0499, d/o sea-king named Vifil. Hring was the eponym and ruler of Ringerike (Ringeríki) and also ruled Valdres (a valley of modern Oppland). Kong Hring, sønn til kong Raum, styrte Hringeriket og Valdres. Han fikk datter til Vifill sjøkonge. Sønnen deres var Halfdan den gamle. Children: Eymund Hringsson, King of Novgorod (Holmgård) and Halfdan "the Old" Hringsson, King of Ringerike
Halfdan 'the Old' Hringsson Petty King of Ringerike, Norway0450–0520 M: Almveigu Eymundsdatter Petty Queen of Ringerike, Norway 0455–0560. The Old Norse form of this name was Hringaríki.
Lofdi Halfdansson B: 498 Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway D: 0547
Skuli Lofdasson B: 548 Norway M: Astritha/Aeril (Volksdattir) Volksdottir 565-600
Heytir Gorsson, Sea King 585- M:
King Svidri Heytsson, Jarl of Finland B: 600 Raumsdal, Telemark, Norway D: 649 Vestfold, Norway M: 648 Helga (Agirsdottir) Agirsdatter
Sveidi (Sveidasson) Sveithi 'the Sea King' Svidrisson B: 650 Raumsdal, Telemark, Norway D: 710 Raumsdal, Norway M: Alfhild Gandolfsson
Eidsborg stavkirke i Tokke
The 13th century Eidsborg Stave Church in Lårdal, Upper Telemark
Halfdan (Sveidasson) "the Aged" Svidrasson B: 700 Oppland, Norway D: 770 Oppland, Norway M: Hildi (Eriksdatter) Eiriksdottir
Ivar Halfdansson B: 762 Norway, Nord-Trøndelag, Oppland D: 824 Borre, Vestfold, Norway M: Euphritta B: 785 Trondheim, Norway, daughter of Eystein Hognasson and Aseda Rognyaldsson.
Oppland, Norway
Eystein Ivarsson and Ascride (Rognvaldsdottir) Ragnvaldsdottir B: 810 Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway D: 870 Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway M1: 846 Ascride (Rognvaldsdottir) Ragnvaldsdottir, The Countess Of Oppland Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter M2: 862 Jocunda (Hunthiofsdatter) Hunthiofsdottir
Rognvald "the Wise" (Jarl Of More) Rognvaldsson (born Ivarsson (Øysteinsson Mørejarl), Earl of More, Norway B: 830 Upland, Denmark Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway D: 910 Orkney Islands, Scotland M: 853 The Countess of More Ragnhild Hrolfsson, 848-892 (Ragnhild/Hilde Øysteinsson Mørejarl born Rolvsdatter), d/o Hrolf Nefia. Rognvald "The Wise" Eysteinsson (son of Eystein Ivarsson) is the founder of the Earldom of Orkney in the Norse Sagas. In the Heimskringla, Rognvald is Earl of Møre. He accompanies Harald Fairhair on his great expeditions to the west, to Ireland and to Scotland. Here, Rognvald's son Ivarr is killed. In compensation King Harald grants Rognvald Orkney and Shetland. Rognvald himself returns to Norway, giving the northern isles to his brother Sigurd Eysteinsson. Earl Rognvald is killed by Harald's son Halfdan Hålegg. Rognvald's death is avenged by his son, Earl Turf-Einar, from whom later Orkney earls claimed descent, who kills Halfdan on North Ronaldsay.
Upland, Denmark Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway
Einarr Rognvaldsson, 5th Earl Of Orkney B: 852 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway D: 910 Orkney, Scotland M: 885 Romsdal Eysteinsson, Mrs Einar Rognvaldsson, Countess of Orkney Rognvaldsson B: 860, Arkenejarna/Norway D: 890. Children: 1~Arnkell Einarsson Jarl of Orkney born Abt 0886 Of Orkney Islands, Scotland died 0954 Stainmore, Westmoreland, England 2~Erlend I Einarsson Jarl of Orkney born Abt 0888 Of Orkney Islands, Scotland died 0954 Stainmore, Westmoreland, England 3~Thorfinn I Rollo (Brico) "Hausakliffer" Einarsson born Abt 0890 Of Orkney Islands, Scotland died Aft 0977 buried Burial Mound, Hoxa, Ronaldsay, Scotland.
Thorfinn I Einarsson, Jarl of Orkney, Skull Cleaver B: 890 Islands/Orkney, Scotland D: 977 Mound, Hoxa, Ronaldsay, Scotland M: Grelod Duncansdatter B: 898 Caithness, Scotland D: 924 Orkney, Scotland, d/o Dungad Earl Caithness & Gora Thorsteinsdottir. Children: 1~Hlodver (Lodver) Thorfinnsson Jarl of Orkney born about 0924 Orkney, Scotland buried 0988 Hofn, Caithness, Scotland 2~Ansfred Thorfinnsson born 1032? Orkney, Scotland 3~Arnfinn Thorfinnsson Jarl of Orkney born about 0916 Orkney Islands, Scotland died Myrkhol, Caithness, Scotland 4~Havard "Season-Prosperous" Thorfinnsson Jarl of Orkney & Caithness born about 0918 Orkney Islands, Scotland died Havardsteigar, Stennis, Orkney Islands, Scotland buried Stennis, Hrossey (Pomona), Orkney Islands, Scotland 5~Ljot (Liot) Thorfinnsson Jarl of Orkney born about 0920 Orkney Islands, Scotland died Skidamyre, Caithness, Scotland 6~Skuli Thorfinnsson Jarl of Caithness born about 0922 Orkney Islands, Scotland died 0980 Skidamyre, Caithness, Scotland 7~Miss Thorfinnsdatter born about 0928 Orkney, Scotland 8~Miss Thorfinnsdatter born about 0926 Orkney, Scotland.
Caithness, Scotland
Caithness, Scotland, Blar Nam Faoileag National Nature Reserve/Richard James
The area has brochs, ancient burial grounds and dovecots (you can see it at the right of the mill) according to the OS Explorer Map 450. In fact the area is covered with ancient settlements and castles.
Hlanderver Hlodver Thorfinnsson The Viking B: 924 Orkney, Scotland. D: 988 Hofn, Caithness, Scotland. M: Audna Kjarvalssdatter B: 928 Orkney, Scotland D: 982 Orkney, Scotland, d/o Kiarval MacDunghal King of Ireland. Children: Sigurd II "Digri" Hlodversson born about 0960 Orkney, Scotland died 23 Apr 1014 Battle of Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland buried Burial Mound, Hofry, Caithness, Scotland Hvarflad (Svanlaug) (Nereid) Hlodversdatter born about 0962 Orkney Islands, Scotland Gerleota Hlodversdatter born about 0964 Orkney, Scotland Miss Hlodversdatter born about 0966 Orkney, Scotland.
Islands Orkney, Scotland
Sigurd Hlodversson II, Earl of Orkney, The Corpulent B: 960 Islands/Orkney, Scotland. D: 04/23/1014 battle of Clortarf, Dublin, Ireland. M: Donada Anleta Mackenneth B: 968 Blair-Athol, Perthshire, Scotland D: 11/25/1034 Orkney, Scotland, d/o Malcolm II MacKenneth King of Scots (970-1034) and Blanaid nic Brian. Children: Thorfinn II "the Black" Sigurdsson Jarl of Orkney born 0989 Orkney, Scotland died 1064 Christ's Kirk, Birdsey, Scotland Ellen Sigurdsdatter born Abt 1007 Of Orkney, Scotland.
Brusi/Brusse Sigurdsson B: 987 Islands/Orkney, Scotland. D: 1031 Islands/Orkney, Scotland. M: Ostrida Regenwaldsdatter B: 990 Gotlands, Sweden D: 1011 Islands/Orkney, Scotland
Islands Orkney, Scotland
Ragnvald Brusesson B: 1011 Orkney, Scotland D: 1046 Papa Stronsay/Orkney, Scotland. M: Arlogia Orkney B: 1015, Orkney, Scotland D: 12/10/1046, Orkney, Scotland.
Islands Orkney, ring-of-brodgar, Scotland
Robert de Brus B: 1030 Carrick/Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland D: 1098 Papa Stronsay/Orkney, Scotland. M: Emma de Bretagne B: 1034, Bretagne, France D: 1094, Bretagne, France. Two sons, Guillaume de Briouze & Robert Bruce B: 1053, Carrick/Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland D: 1141, Skelton, Yorkshire, England.
Carrick_Maybole Castle_Ayrshire, Scotland
Guillaume de Briouze, or William de Braose, 1st Lord of Bramber ("Guillaume", "Braiose", "de Brieuze", "de Briouse", "de Briouze", "Lord", "Guillaume de Briouze") B: 1049 Brieuze, Orne, Normandy, France D: 12/11/1095 Sussex,, Bramber, West Sussex, England. William de Briouze was previously Lord of Briouze, Normandy. M1: Eve de Boissey, dame de Boissey-le-Châtel, widow of Anchetil de Harcourt (Bibliothèque de Paris). He was granted lands in England by William the Conqueror soon after he and his followers had invaded and controlled Saxon England, and held considerable estates in the counties of Berks, Wilts, Surrey, and Dorset, and became one of the most powerful of the Marcher Lords. M: 1072 Agnes de Saint-Clair B: 1054 St Clair-sur-Elle, Manche, Normandy, France D: 1100 Devonshire, Bramber, West Sussex, England, d/o Waldonius, count of Saint-Clair and Helena "le Bon". William De Braose, 1st feudal baron, constructed the castle in about 1070, along with the Norman church, on a natural mound, to guard the strategically important harbour at Steyning and so began a vigorous boundary dispute and power tussle with the monks from Fécamp Abbey, in Normandy. Most of the surviving masonry dates from this time. Except for a period of confiscation during the reign of King John (1199–1216), Bramber Castle remained in the ownership of the de Braose family until the male line died out in 1326. William de Braose was succeeded as Lord of Bramber by his son, Philip de Braose, and started an important Anglo-Norman dynasty (see House of Braose). Little is known of Bramber Castle's history.
Bramber Castle today
Philip de Braose, 2nd Lord of Bramber B: 1073 Bramber, Horsham, Sussex, England D: 1134 Holy Land, Palestine M: Eleanor de Barnstaple, Aenor Eva de Totenais B: 1084 Barnstaple, North Devon, Devonshire, England D: 1153, d/o Judeal Juhel de Totenais, Lord Barnstable and Bertha de Totnes. Philip as heir consolidated his paternal lands, and expanded them. In 1096 he confirmed his father's gifts to the Abbey of St. Florent. Philip de Braose conquered the Welsh borderlands at Builth and New Radnorand established new Norman lordships over them. At Builth, he constructed a Motte and Bailey fortification at the site where King Edward I later built Builth Castle in the 13th century. He seems to have gone on the First Crusade in 1103. He built the Norman church of St Nicolas at Old Shoreham and founded the port of New Shoreham. He supported King Henry I (1100–1135) against the claim to the English throne made by his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, but then in 1110 he revolted against Henry, who then confiscated his estates. He regained his lordships and lands in 1112 and was thereafter able to retain them, but in 1130 settled them intact onto his eldest son William de Braose, 3rd Lord of Bramber. Children: William, Philip de Braose Jr (was an Anglo-Norman noble most noted for his participation in Henry II's conquest of Ireland), daughters Basilia & Gillian. Between 1125 and 1130 Philip confirmed the gifts of his nephew, Philip de Harcourt, to the newly established Knights Templar. Philip traveled, it is suggested, to Jerusalem at the time when the Templars were first conceived in 1120. He confirmed the gifts of his nephew, Philip de Harcourt, to the newly established Knights Templar, which included the manor and church of Shipley between 1125 and 1130 in West Sussex. In the Second Crusade, 1135, he died in Palestine.
Bramber Church 1820, Horsham, Sussex, England
Bramber Church Cemetery, Horsham, Sussex, England
William de Braose II, 3rd Lord of Bramber B: 1120 Bramber, Sussex, England D: 1192apx Weoley Castle, Herefordshire, England M: Baroness Bertha FitzMiles de Hereford, Heiress of Brecon B: 1130 Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England D: 1204 Bramber, Sussex, England, d/o Miles FitzWalter of Gloucester, 1st Earl Of Hereford, Lord Of Brecknock and Sybil de Neufmarché.'
Philip de Braose, 2nd Lord of Bramber
Weoley Castle, Herefordshire
William III de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber ("de Briouze", "Briouse", "The Ogre of Abergavenny", "Lord of Briouze", "7th Baron Abergavenny", "7th Baron of Abergavenny", "William de Briouze") B: 1153 Bramber Castle, Sussex, England D: 08/09/1211 Corbeil, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France. M: 1166 Maud Matilda de Saint-Valéry, Lady of la Haie B: 1150 Saint-Valery-en-Caux, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France D: 08/09/1211 Corfe Castle, Corfe, Dorset, England, United Kingdom (Starvation in castle tower for Defying King John)., d/o Bernard III, seigneur de Saint-Valéry and Matilda de Saint-Valery, their family manor Hinton Waldrist in Berkshire. Owned Hay Castle-on-Wye. They had 16 children together, who married into some of the most powerful families of the time. Their eldest son, William, married Maud de Clare, daughter of the Earl of Hertford. Another son, Giles, became Bishop of Hereford. Of their daughters Loretta, married Robert de Beaumont, 4th Earl of Leicester and another, Margaret, married Walter de Lacy, Lord of Meath. A third son, Reginald, married, as his 2nd wife, Gwladus Ddu, daughter of Llewelyn the Great, Prince of Wales. Reginald’s son, William, by his 1st wife married Eva Marshal, daughter of the great knight, William Marshal. It was this William de Braose who was ignominiously hanged by Llewelyn the Great, after being found in the bedchamber of Llewelyn’s wife Joan, the Lady of Wales and natural daughter of King John. William had been at the Welsh court to arrange the marriage of his daughter, Isabel, to Llewelyn and Joan’s son, David. Interestingly, the marriage still went ahead, although it was to be childless.
Arms attributed to William de Braose III
Corfe Castle, Dorset
Hay Castle-on-Wye
William de Braose, IV B: 1172 Bramber, Sussex, England, United Kingdom D: 1210 Corfe or Windsor Castle England M: Mathilde de Clare B: 1181 Clare, Risbridge, Suffolk, England D: 1213 England, d/o Richard de Clare, 3rd Earl of Hertford, Surety of the Magna Carta and Amice FitzWilliam FitzRobert, 4th Countess of Gloucester.
Sir John "Tadody" de Braose, Lord of Bramber and Gower "Lord Bramber gower", "Lord of Stinton", "de Braose", "de Briouse" B: 1197 Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales D: 07/18/1232 Bramber, Sussex, England. M: Margred verch Llewelyn B: 1202 Meisgyn, Penychen, Glamorganshire, Wales D:1264 Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England, buried Priory Church/Aconbury, Herefordshire, England. He was in royal custody until he came of age in January 1218, indicating a birth year about 1197. He had been privately nursed by a Welsh woman, at Gower. This John de Braos had grants of lands from King Henry III. and held also the Barony of Brembye, in Sussex, where he died in 1231, by a fall from his horse, his foot remaining in the stirrup. Nicknamed "Tadody" by the Welsh when he was hidden in Gower as a child after King John had his father and grandmother killed. He was later in the custody of Engelard de Cigogny (castellan of Windsor) along with his brother Giles. Cigogny was ordered to give the two boys up to William de Harcourt in 1214. At this time John became separated from his brother. John disputed his uncle Reginald's claim to the Braose lands, sometimes resorting to arms. Llewelyn, Prince of Wales, helped him to secure Gower (1219). In 1221, with the advice and permission of Llewelyn, he repaired his castle of Abertawy (Swansea). He purchased the Rape of Bramber from Reginald and his son William in 1226. In that year John confirmed the family gifts to Sele Priory, near Bramber, and to the Abbey of St FLorent, Saumur, and added others. After the death of Reginald (1228) he became Lord of Skenfrith, Grosmont, and Whitecastle, the three Marcher castles, by charter from the king but he lost these in 1230 to Hugh de Burgh at the same time as Gower became a subtenancy of de Burgh's Honour of Carmarthen and Cardigan.
Weobley Castle, Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales
Sir Richard de Braose (Breuse), Lord of Stinton Manor B: 1232 Of Burgh, On Sands, Carlisle, Cumbria, England D: 06/18/1292 Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. M: 1262 Alice le Rus, Heiress of Stinton & Ludborough B: 12/28/1245 Burgh by Sands, Cumbria, England D: 01/28/1300 Stinton Hall, Salle, Norfolk, England, d/o William le Rus and Agatha de Clere.
St Michael's Church, Burgh by Sands Carlisle, Cumbria, England
Sir Giles de Braose B: 1270 Stinton in Salle, Aylsham, Norfolk, England UK D: 02/06/1310 Ludborough Manor, Louth, Lincolnshire, England UK. M: Joan de Beaumont, Lady of Woodbridge, "Baroness Braose" B: 1289 apx Woodbridge Castle, Whitnesham, Suffolk, England UK D: 1332 Ewelme, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, England, d/o Richard de Beaumont &Witneshamand Alice~.
Sir John de Braose, Sr., Lord of Stinton & Ludborough B: 08/10/1306 Stinton, Norfolk, England D: 1370 Woodbridge Priory, Ludborough, Louth, Lincolnshire, UK. M: Lady Agnes Eva De Ufford, Baroness Brewse B: 1310 Thurston, Suffolk, England D: 1370 Woodbridge Priory, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, Robert de Ufford, 1st Baron Uffordand Cecily de Valoines.
Sir John de Brewse, Jr. B: 1332 Salle, Norfolk, England D: 1394 Akenham, Bosmere, Suffolk, England. M: Agnes Shardelowe "De Braose/De Braose/Brewse" B: Barton Mills, Mildenham, Suffolk, England D: 1408 apx Caxton, Cambridgeshire, England., d/o Sir John de Shardelowe and Margaret de Shardelowe.
Sir Robert de Brewse (De Braose), Baron of Stinton B: 1370 Topcroft, Norfolk, England D: 09/30/1424 Akenham, Bosmere, Suffolk, England. M: Lady Ela de Stapleton, Baroness Brewes B: 1380 Smallburgh, Norfolk, England D: 10/16/1456 Woodbridge, Suffolk, England., d/o Sir Miles de Stapleton of Inghamand Ela de Ufford, Lady Stapleton.
Topcroft, Norfolk, England
Sir Thomas de Braose B: 1407 Topcroft, Norfolk, England D: 06/17/1482 Topcroft, Norfolk, England. M1: Joan Calthorpe de Braose B: 1410 Burnham, Calthorpe, Norfolk, England D: 1456 Stinton Hall, Alysham, Norfolk, England UK, d/o Sir John Calthorpe & Anna Wythe M2: Elizabeth Debenham de Braose B: 1430 Little Wenham, Suffolk, England D: 1502 Field, Norfolk, England, d/o Gilbert Debenham and Jane Jernegan M3: Mary Ann De Calthorpe Brewse, d/o Sir John Calthorpe & Anna Wythe.
Sir William Braose, of Stinton Hall B: 1441 Stinton Hall, Salle, Norfolk, England D: 10/29/1498 Fressingfield, Suffolk, England. M: 1465 Elizabeth Hopton B: 1442 Blythburgh, Suffolk, England D: 10/28/1489 Hopton Castle, Shropshire, England UK. Daughter of Sir John Hopton, Kt. and Margaret Hopton.
Stinton Hall, Salle, Norfolk
William Jun DeBrewere B: 1475 Somerset UK D: 1562 Cold Aston, Gloucestershire, UK M: Rohese de Lucy 1482-1562
Cold Ashton Holy Trinity
Edward Holden Brewer 1500 Chard, Somerset England D: 1519 M: Margaret Ann Hamlin 1502-1591 (William Brewer 1520-1618, John Brewer 1545-1633 and Marie Brewer 1552-)
Dr. William Brewer I B:1520 Chard, Somerset England D: 1618 Chard, Somerset, England, a Phisitian. M: 1574 Diomisis/Deannes Baker B: 1540 Crockehern, Somerset, England D: 1614 William and his wife are buried in the parish churchyard in Chard, Somerset, England. A monument inscription reading "Here lieth interred (expecting their Savior) the bodies of William Brewer of Chard, Phisitian (Physician),and Deannes, his wife, who living in 40 years of wedlock. Children: Christopher, John, Peter, Marie, Edward, Rodger, Thomas & William Brewer II 1548-1618, Chard, Somersett, England..
Thomas Brewer 1540 Chard, Somerset England D: 1637 M1: 1562 Anne Drake 1543 Westcheapels, London, England D: 1565, two sons, Thomas Brewer Jr. in 1563-1579 and John Drake Brewer in 1565-1635. There are reasons to believe that Thomas Jr. and John Drake Brewer joined Sr. Francis Drake in 1577 on his ftrip around the world. John and Thomas Brewer are named several times in documentation. Thomas Brewer was killed by natives in area where Chili is today. M2: 1592 Mary Drake B: 1574 London, Somerset, England D: 1634 Warwich County, VA. Thomas & Mary and thier children, Thomas 1592- & Jonathon 1601-1675, arrived in Vigirinia around 1622 with his son John Drake Brewer. It wasn't John's first trip to Virginia. He was returning from a trip back to England.
Built in 1583 as a private residence for William Symes of Poundisford Fore Street, in Chard
According to his father's wish, John Symes, his youngest son, conveyed the property to 12 trustees so that it should be converted into a grammar school in 1671.
John Drake Brewer B: 1565 D: 1635 M: 1594 Margerty Grove B: 1565 London D: 1635 Isle of Wright Co, Va, d/o Ralph Grove. He was a merchant and grocer in Bartholomew Lane, London, and a citizen of eminence and respectability in the City of London. John and Mary could have emigrated to Virginia with their 3 children before 1622 as there was a Petition in that year of Captain Francis West, Captain William Claybourne, John Brewer, Robert Sweet and William Capps, gents, ancient planters and adventurer in New England, for the remission of heavy duties on tobacco. A member of the House of Burgesses from Warwick County in 1629-1630, and as "John Brewer, gent.," was appointed one of the commissioners (justices) for holding monthly courts in that county in 1631-1632. He was a member of the Council of State from 1632 until his death in 1635. John and Mary Brewer owned a plantation called "Stawley (or Stanley) Hundred, otherwise Bruer's Borough," in Warwick county, and not long before his death had obtained rights of 1,000 acres, which his wife and her second husband located on and obtained a grant for at what is still called "Brewer's Neck," between Brewer's and Chuckatuck Creeks, in Isle of Wight county. Children: John II 1600 England, Mary Brewer 1604 England, Margaret Brewer (1606 - ) Born in Virginia, Roger Brewer (1608 - 1631) Born in Virginia, Thomas Brewer (1615 - 1698 Born in England, Anne Brewer (1616 - ) Born in England, & William Brewer (1621 -1621). In 1636, his wife remarried to Rev. Thomas Butler, "Pastor of Denby."
John Brewer made his will Sept. 4th 1631 as a 'citizen and grocer of London' which was filed in London 06 May 1635. for there was no recognized probate court in Virginia. It was probated 13th May 1636 as follows:
To my dearly beloved father Thomas Brewer, eight pounds yearly, as long as h shoul live
To my son John Brewer my plantation in Virginia called 'Stanley hundred' also 'Brewer's Burough' only the third part of the profits thereof during the life of Mary my wife I give to her and also the third part of my goods and chattels, beside which is also due by the custom of London
To my son Roger Brewer and my daughter Margaret Brewer forth pounds apiece payable at marriage or when 21
To my brother Thomas Brewer 40 sh and to each of his children 10 sh
The residue to my said children John, Roger and Margaret, they to be executors, but as they are now young, I appoint my wife Mary and my loving uncle Roger Drake, citizen and clothmaker of London, to be overseers and guardians of my children; to each of them 40 sh to buy them a ring.
John Brewer II B: 1600 London D: 1669 Isle of Wright Co, Va. Member of House of Burgesses 1657-1658 M: 1634 Anne Reade 1605 London, Middlesex, England D:1697 Isle of Wight County, Va, d/o John Reade and Barbara Reade.He settled on the 1000-acre grant of his step-father, Rev. Thomas Butler. He also held his father's plantation "Stanley Hundred" in Warwick. He served in the House of Burgesses from 1637 to 1658 (like his father). Their children: Mary Brewer 1633-, John Brewer III 1635-1705, Ann Brewer 1637-, Thomas 1639-1698 and Paul.
John Brewer III B: 10/10/1635 Isle of Wight County, Virginia Colony, Colonial America D: 1701 Jamestown Isle of Wright Co, Va M: Jeanna 1635-1691 Isle of Wight County, Virginia Colony, Colonial America.
George Gabriel/Garrett Brewer I B: 1670 Brunswick, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Colonial America D: 08/02/1744 Meherrin Parish Graveyard, Bruswick Va. M1: 1705, in Surry Co, Va, Sarah Lanier B: 1686 in Charles City Co, VA D: 1728 in Surry Co, VA, d/o John James Lanier Jr and Sarah Edmunds. M2: 1729 Alice M Burwell 1674-1744. M3: Jemima Lee 1690-.
1~Nicholas Brewer 1705-1792 M: 1740 Sarah Batte 1719-1782
1~Brewer 1741- M: Moses Collier
2~Elizabeth Brewer 1742- M: Charles Powell
3~William Brewer 1743-1833 M: Dorothy~
1~Isham Brewer
1~Joseph Brewer (move to Carroll Co.,TN)
1~Cornelius C. Brewer (served in war between the states)
1~Alvin Brewer (born and died in Henderson Co. TN)
1~Ether P.Brewer
1~Charlie E.Brewer
4~Benjamin Brewer 1746-1830 M: Milly~
5~Nicholas Brewer 1749-1820 M: Winifred~
1~Mark Brewer 1777-
6~Thomas Brewer 1750-1820 M: Lydia Ann~ 1761-1825
1~Nicholas Brewer 1783–1851 M: Sarah Hackney 1783-1860
1~Louiza Brewer 1807-1876 M: William Holland 1803-
1~Mary Ann Frances Holland Melton 1827–1892
2~Nicholas Brewer Holland 1834–1901
3~Phoebe M. Holland Jones 1837–1923
4~Lizzie Holland Jones 1838–1923
5~Rebecca "Becky" Holland Brewer 1848–1932
6~David D. Holland 1850–1932
7~Kissiah "Kizzie" Holland Pahal 1851–1940
2~Nicholas Brewer 1820–1895 M1: Margaret McKenzie 1814–1852 M2: Mary Ann Alsup 1834-
Built in 1820, the home of Nicholas Brewer & Sarah Hackney Brewer
1~Effie Pickney Brewer 1836–1922 M: Corp Benjamin Franklin Farmer 1844-1920
2~Pvt William Bryant Brewer 1840–1862 CSA
3~Sarah Brewer 1841-
4~Nancy Brewer 1842–1920
5~John Malcolm Beaton Brewer 1844–1929 M: Mary Elizabeth Alsup 1850-1923
6~Alfred Beeler Brewer 1850–1942 M: Lidia Ann Jones 1857-1914
1~Gustavus Selon Brewer 1877-1941 M: Mary Pearl Cherry 1881-1966
7~Minerva Brewer 1852–1931 TN M:
8~James Franklin Brewer 1863–1923
3~Sarah Hixie Brewer 1824–1910 M: William Thomas Brewer
1~Archibald Brewer 1839-1921 M:
1~Ida Brewer 1871
2~Lucinda Brewer 1841-
3~Sarah Brewer 1843-
4~Jane Brewer 1845-
5~Elizabeth/Betsy Brewer 1847-
6~Nancy Brewer 1849-
7~Emmeline M. Brewer 1850–1894 M: John Harrison Greer 1844-1934
8~Indiana Brewer 1855-1932 M: 1875 Charles W Holland 1856-
9~Thomas Brewer 1859-
10~Lydia Brewer 1861-1940 M: 1927 Daniel Thomas Alsup 1863-1949
2~Edmond Brewer 1785-
3~Thomas Brewer 1790–1840 M: Mary Ralls 1791-1847
1~Lydia Brewer Connor 1828-
2~Edward Rawleigh "E R" Brewer 1830–1904
3~Jane Day Brewer Jones 1834–1909
4~Lydia Brewer 1792- TN
2~Lanier B Brewer Sr 1716-1795 M: 1735 Joanna Edmonds 1720-1795
1~James Brewer 1736-1816
2~John S. Brewer 1738-1824
3~William Brewer 1739-1837
4~Sarah Brewer 1740-1741
5~Francis Brewer 1741-1806
6~Julius Brewer 1742-1824
7~George Brewer 1743-1802
8~Elizabeth Brewer 1744-
9~Henry Brewer 1745-1804
10~Lanier B. Brewer Jr. 1746-1824 M: 1768 Rebecca Narcissa Moytoy 1746-1834. He had a relationship with Trahlyta Cherokee Indian Princess, and had a son Julius. His sons, Henry, Royal, Wiley, Joseph and Comelious left for TN.
1~Ambrose Brewer 1770-
2~Joseph Brewer 1771-1850
3~George Brewer 1774-1855
1~Richard M. J. Brewer B: 05/26/1843, Wayne Co., TN D: 04/09/1914, Wayne Co., TN
1~James Henry Brewer B: 01/31/1862, Wayne Co., TN D: 02/20/1949 Wayne Co., TN
1~Grady George Brewer B: 12/12/1896 Wayne Co., TN D: 06/11/1928, Wayne Co., TN
1~Grady Willard Brewer B: 12/05/1917, Wayne Co., TN D: 04/03/2003, Orem, UT
4~Royal Brewer 1775-
5~Henry M. Brewer 1778-1855 M: 1801 Mary Cockman 1781-1870, d/o Joseph Cockman & Inna Caterana Cagle.
1~George Washington Brewer 1803-1852 M: Elizabeth Wilson
1~Richard M. Johnson Brewer M: Sarah P. M. Lackey
1~James Henry Brewer M: Mary Columbia Brewer
1~Grady George Brewer M: Lillie Ann Pearl Bowden
1~James Villard Brewer
2~Mary Ophelia Brewer B: 1811 D: 1839 M: 1827 Lemuel Taylor Hensley B: 1785 Bald Mountain, Yancy County, NC D: 1840 TN
1~Wesley Green Hensley B: 01/10/1829 Wayne County, TN D: 08/22/1888 Searcy County, Arkansas
2~Permelia Cordelia Hensley B: Jun 1830 Wayne Cnty, TN D: 11/20/1908 Sanger, Denton County, TN
3~Martha Elizabeth Hensley B: 1832 Wayne County, TN D: 1864 Searcy County, Arkansas M: 1851 Lewis Brewer
4~Porter Marion Hensley B: 05/12/1833 Wayne County, TN D: 01/06/1920
5~Lemuel Perry Hensley Born Mar 1834 - Wayne County, Tennessee D: 09/27/1920.
6~Benjamin White Hensley B: 09/26/1837 Wayne Cnty, TN D: 09/18/1921 Leslie, Searcy County, Arkansas
7~Tennessee Hensley B: 1839 Wayne County, TN
6~Wiley Jackson/Henry Brewer 1785-1868 TN M: 1811 Margaret Cockman 1795-1868 TN, d/o Joseph Cockman and Inna Cagle
1~Rawleigh Brewer 1812-1875
2~Margaret L. Brewer 1813
3~Solomon Brewer 1814-1899 M: 1839 Eleanor Spencer 1818-1895
1~Elisabeth C Brewer 1840–1911
2~Mary J. Brewer 1843–
3~Margaret A Brewer 1846–1918
4~William Thomas Melton Brewer 1850–1939
5~Wiley George Washington Brewer 1856–1932
4~Rachel Brewer 1815-1829
5~Rial/Riley Brewer 1817-1862 M: 1844 Hannah Horton 1828-1899
1~Wiley N Brewer 1844-1846
2~Sarah Jane Brewer 1847-19232 M: Lawson
3~Catherine Brewer 1848-1907
4~Margaret M Brewer 1849-1888 M: Grimes
5~Mary Elizabeth Brewer 1852-
6~Hannah Elizabeth Brewer 1855-1934
7~Millard Fillmore Brewer 1856-1937
8~Artemesia Brewer 1859-1870
9~Rial H. Brewer 1863-
6~Sarah Brewer 1818-1856 M: 1837 Isom Lee Wallis 1816-1889
1~Louisa Jane Wallis 1838-1917
2~Sarah Jane Wallis 1839-1931
3~Margaret Wallis 1841-1919
4~Candice Evalinea Wallis 1848-1918
5~Rachel Risner Wallis 1852-1861
6~Mary Wallis 1854-
7~Wiley Wallis 1855-1873
7~William Brewer 1820-1850
8~Mary Brewer 1822-1878
9~John J. Brewer 1827-1912
10~Wiley Jackson Brewer Jr. 1827-1913 M1: 1847 Celia Daniel M2: 1888 Seddie Hillman M3: 1892 Caroline Pritty M4: 1901 Delia Dailey Wallace/Wallis 1882-1933. Jack was a Union soldier during the Civil War, Pvt,Co. A, No. 2, Tennessee Mounted Infantry.
1~William Wiley Brewer
2~Irwin Brewer
3~Sarah Josie Brewer
4~Frank Riley Brewer
5~Mary Brewer
6~Josiah Brewer B: 1862 TN M: Lucinda Cook
1~James Ervin Brewer 1899 M: Loretta Agnus Brown
1~Edford M. Brewer B: 1922 AR
1~Jackie L. Brewer B: 1962
7~Patsy Lincolee Brewer 1867-1917 M1: Matthew Hillman M2: James Samuel Wallace
01~Susie Hillman
1~Edna Viola Wallace
2~McKinley Wallace
3~Pearl Wallace
8~Margaret Brewer
01~Ray Brewer 1918-2004 M: 1937 Ruby Irene Sexton 1922–1979. Ray pursued many jobs including logging, harvests, construction, truck driving and farming. He was a member of the Calico Rock Assembly of God.
02~Littie Brewer
03~Viola M. Brewer 1905-1956 M: Isaac Winfred Franks 1901–1973
04~James McKinley Brewer 1907-1973 M: Emma E. Brewer 1906-1984
1~Wiley Jay Brewer 1927-1994
05~Kinley Brewer 1906-
06~Mamie Brewer 1913-1986 M: Harrison K Whitaker 1909–1988
11~Jesse A. Brewer 1827-1880
12~Elizabeth Caroline Brewer 1830-1901
13~Henry George Brewer 1831-1870 M: Mary Permillia Risner B: 1830 TN
1~Sarah Elizabeth Jane Brewer 1847-1926 M: 1862 Samuel Henderson Stricklin
2~Wiley Brewer b. 1849, Wayne Co., TN
1~Charley Brewer B:. 1891, Wayne Co., TN D:
1~James H. Brewer B: 1929, Wayne Co., TN D:
3~James Lewis Calvin Brewer B: 1855 Wayne Co, TN M: Mary Elizabeth Rinks B:1858 Wayne County, TN
1~John Walker Brewer B: 1892/3 Wayne County, TN
14~Caroline Lurainey Brewer 1832-1908 M: Risner
15~Dorothy P Brewer 1832-1918
16~Lewis Soloman Brewer 1832-1879 (at the hands of William Joseph Clemons, the husband of Lewis's stepdaughter Mary Isabella Birkes). M: 1851 Martha Elizabeth Hensley, sister of Green Hensley. M2: 1864 Missouri Hodges Birkes (war widow with three children, James Henry Birkes). Around 1855 they moved to Arkansas where their second son Millard Filmore Brewer was born in 1858. The following year, 1859, Lewis Brewer Jr. They initially lived in Richland and later moved to Calf Creek Arkansas. Lewis Joined the Confederate Army and became part of the home guard.
1~Nancy Brewer 1851-
2~Lemuel Wiley Brewer 1853-1932AR M: 1873 Irena Brewer B: 1859 D: 1880 M2: 1881 Mary Samantha Easley
1~Solon Lecurtis Brewer 1874-1957 M: 1898 Laura Palestine Chote 1880-1970. They moved to Oklahoma in the early 1900s, as he was able to obtain 240 acres of land near Cedardale Oklahoma by trading a couple of horses and a wagon. He lived there until about 1950 when he lost his sight. He and Laura move to Mooreland Oklahoma. He died in Mooreland Oklahoma in February of 1957.
Near Cedardale, Oklahoma, son of Lemuel Wiley Brewer.
1~Ella P. (Tina) Brewer 1901-
2~Wiley H. Brewer 1906-1993
3~Dorothy June Brewer 1909-2000
4~Ursula Brewer 1912-
5~Oletha Brewer 1915-
6~Phillip Miles Brewer B: 1917 Cedardale, Oklahoma D: 1991 Amarillo, Texas M: 1941 Elma M. Reasoner B: D: 1994
7~Jess Walker Brewer 1920-2004
8~Hope A Brewer 1923 -
2~Mary Irene Brewer 1875-1960
3~Clora D. J. Brewer 1876-
4~Lucy E. Brewer 1888-
5~Rachel Elizabeth "Bessie" Brewer 1890-1967
6~Evert F Brewer 1892-
7~Ernest McKinley (Mack) Brewer 1900-
3~Millard Fillmore Brewer 1856-1937 M: Theodoshia Catherine Lawrence
1~Octavia Ophelia (Brewer) Passmore
2~Arizona Missouri (Brewer) Hensley
3~William E. Brewer
4~James Brewer
5~Lawrence Brewer
6~Rebecca Florence Brewer
7~Thomas G. Brewer
8~Edmond J. Brewer
9~Nevada E. Brewer
10~Martha Judy Brewer
4~James Harmon Birkes B: 1855
5~Carey Birkes B: 1857
6~Mary Isabella Birkes B: 1859 D: M: William Joseph Clemons
7~Lewis Brewer Jr. 1859-
8~Emaline Brewer 1862-
9~John J. Brewer 1866-
10~Chloe M Brewer 1870-1946 M: William Henry Tuggle 1867-1911
11~Socrates Brewer 1872-1927 M: 1890 Lucy D Taylor 1883-1947
12~Plato Brewer 1875-1919 M: Mary Elizabeth Yates
1~William P. Brewer 1898-
2~Evelyn Mary Brewer 1900-1989
3~Opal Brewer 1908-1975
17~Nancy Jane Brewer 1835-1911 M: Calvin Daniel 1831-1857
18~Josiah Joseph Brewer 1838-1928
19~Margaret L Brewer 1837-1892
7~Soloman Brewer 1786-1866 M: Sarah Jane Cockman 1785-1851
8~Cornelious B Brewer 1790-1872 M: Mary Staggs 1794-1871
1~Meredith Brewer
2~Melinda Stephenson Brewer Staggs
3~Nancy Brewer Cope
9~Julius Brewer 1794-1859 M: 1820 Margaret Gist
10~Hester Ann Brewer 1800- M: Bradley B Brady, Sr. 1799-1894
1~Rebecca Jane Brady Stutts 1821-
2~Nimrod R. Brady 1822-
3~Daniel Webster Brady 1838-
4~Winifred C. Brady Kidd 1842-
5~Ama Brady 1840-
6~Jennie Brady 1830-
7~Manly Brady 1832-
11~Abigail Brewer 1748-1810
12~Rebecca Brewer 1751-1810
13~Drury Brewer B: 1750 D: 1857 M: Elizabeth Paris 1750-
1~Elijah Brewer 1794-1875 M: Mary Pryor
1~Desa Brewer M: Lively,
2~Elijah Brewer Jr.,
3~Malona Brewer M: Smith
4~Lydia A. Brewer M: Hays
5~Zebedee Brewer
6~Weba Ann Brewer M: Monday
7~Mary Emiline Brewer M: Monday
14~Jemima Brewer 1752-
15~Ambrose Brewer 1753-
16~Ann Brewer 1754-1810
17~Jesse Brewer 1755-1800
3~William Brewer 1706-1799 M: Susannah Ragland 1710-1738 d/o Maj.-Gen. John Ragland(Wales: Raglan/Raglan) 1687-1750 and Anne Beaufort 1683 St. Paul's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia Colony-1746 Hanover County, Province of Virginia. M2: Ann Brewer
1~William Brewer 1730-
2~James Brewer 1732-
3~Sarah Brewer 1734- M: Clement Matney/Mattingly
4~George Brewer
5~Brewer 1736 M: Leagrand
6~Brewer 1738 M: Monarch
7~Jesse Brewer 1745-1800 M: 1744 Susannah
4~Oliver H. Brewer Sr B: 1707 Va D: 10/14/1792 Pittsboro, Chatham, NC M: 1730 Rebecca Ann Smith B: 1712 Brunswick County, Va D: 1792 Chatham County, NC.
1~George Brewer 1735-1791
2~Henry Brewer 1750-1827 M: 1793 Annis Anise Crow
1~Loudica Brewer
3~William H Brewer B: 1752 VA D: 1835 TN M: Phanah Resden 1755-, d/o William Rysden 1736-1781 and Ann Goad 1737-1771. M2: Susannah Ann Cato 1755-1810, d/o Daniel Cato and Patience Harris 1728-1794. Hannah (Brewer) Edwards and Rebecca Ann (Brewer) Edwards.
1~Thomas Brewer 1769-1835 M: 1792 Lucretia McHough 1770-1855. A veteran of the War of 1812, serving with the Tennessee Militia.
1~William Brewer 1793-1874 M: Jane Mcknight 1793-
1~Lucretia Brewer 1813-1879
2~John Brewer 1815-1899
3~Mary Brewer 1815-1863
4~Sarah Brewer 1818 - 1909
5~Eliza Jane Brewer 1819-1840
6~Thomas Brewer 1820-1886
7~Nancy Brewer 1822-1895
8~Hulda Jane Brewer 1831-1870
2~Nancy Brewer 1794- M: William Stanley 1801-
1~Joanna Stanley 1839-
3~Stephen A Brewer 1795-1836 M: Susanna Wright 1801 IN
1~Mary Polly Brewer 1827-1922 GA M: William McCoy 1794 IN 1860 NC
2~Bryant Brewer B: 06/20/1830 IL D: 10/28/1893 IL M: Esther Ann Carney B: 01/19/1833 OH D: 12/23/1909 IL
3~Betsy Brewer 1831-
4~Joshua Brewer 1832-1898
5~Dellah Brewer 1833 - 1869
4~Levi Brewer B: 1796 NC D: 1835apx
1~Alfred Brewer
5~Bryant Brewer B: 1799 NC D: 12/02/1845 IN M: Eliza Briggs B: 10/03/1798 SC D: 1850 Iowa
1~Luiza Brewer 1821-1830
2~Lorenzo Dowell Brewer B: 04/20/1822 NC D: 02/05/1908 Michigan M: Mary Elizabeth Bonebrake B: 05/18/1823 IN D: 01/26/1901
1~Caroline Brewer Thompson M: Perry Tarpeaning Thompson
1~Thomas Benjamin Thompson M: Hattie Mel Hutton
3~Minerva Brewer 1823- M: William Prevo 1823-
1~Winfield Scott Prevo 1847
2~James Monroe Prevo 1849-
3~Demaris Estella Prevo 1851-
4~William Irvin Brewer B: 02/04/1827 D: 1900 Crawford Co., Arkansas. M: 1848 Mary Brewer 1828
1~John W. Brewer 1850-
2~Bryant Brewer 1851-1917 M1: 1868 Sarah Elizabeth Walker 1841-1891 M2: 1891 Annie L McWilliams 1874-. M3:1892 Matildaa W Morograves 1855-. M4: 1893 Margaret Adams 1856-1933 M5: 1899 Louisa A Rogers-Sheridan, widow of Henry Sheridan.
Sons of Bryant and Sarah Walker Brewer
1~Mary Ann Brewer M: ~Pond
2~John William Brewer B: 01/19/1869 IL D: 02/19/1950 Crawford County, Arkansas. M: Ruth~
1~Nellie Brewer M: Bill Hutson
2~Jim Brewer
3~Pauline Brewer D: 01/02/2000.
4~Katherine Brewer D: 12/09/2001.
5~John Brewer D: 12/09/2000
3~Charles Allen Brewer B: 03/14/1876 Cairo, Pulaski County, IL D: 01/05/1946 Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas. M: 1903 Nancy Arzada McCormick 1872-1959.
1~Radford William Brewer B: 10/10/1903 Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas D: 12/23/1910 Van Buren, Crawford Co., Arkansas.
2~Helen Brewer B: 10/04/1905 Crawford County, Arkansas D: 06/01/1992 Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark. M: 1932 Raymond Franklin Hatfield.
3~Theron Cherry Brewer B: 07/21/1907 Van Buren, Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 09/25/1983 Van Buren, Crawford Co., Arkansas. M: 1928 Thelma Atha Price 1909-1992.
1~Zada Sue Brewer
2~Patricia Brewer
3~Theora Brewer
4~Sarah Elizabeth Brewer B: 06/30/1909 Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas D; 04/26/1995 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. M1: George Redding M2: 1927 Hugh Carl Boatright 1907-1976.
1~Hugh Allen Boatright
2~Elizabeth Ann Boatright
5~Hazel Brewer B: 03/13/1919 Van Buren, Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 03/03/1991 in Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, Arkansas. M1: Richard Jewel Childers M2: 1948 Euclid Hill Sanders in Pine Bluf, Jefferson County, Arkansas.
4~George Harrison Brewer B: 03/11/1879 Augusta, Butler Co., Kansas D: 07/18/1970 Crawford Co., Arkansas. M1: 1902 Mary Ann Brewer 1884-1931, d/o William Austin Brewer and Mary Chastain. M2: Ruby~
1~James A. Brewer B: 08/26/1903 Muskogee, Oklahoma.
2~Floyd Monroe Brewer B: 02/02/1905 Van Buren, Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 07/16/1993 Sallisaw, Oklahoma. M: Kathryn~.
3~Minnie A. Brewer B: 03/23/1907 Rudy, Arkansas.
4~Aaron Troy Brewer B: 07/28/1909 Greenwood, Arkansas.
5~Lela Lucy Brewer
6~Lou Emma Brewer
7~Eula Viola Brewer
8~arah Ellen Brewer
9~Isaac Harrison Brewer
10~Hermon Ezra Brewer B: 06/25/1921 Rudy, Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 10/09/1923.
11~George O. Brewer
5~Richard Franklin Brewer B: 09/24/1877 IL D: 12/19/1962 in California. M1: 1899 Mary Lenley M2: Rosetta E. Kinder 1884-1980.
1~William Albert Brewer B: 05/17/1900 Arkansas D: 12/19/1955 in Texas. M: Birtha Bethina DeWitt 1904-1973.
1~William Edward Franklin Brewer B: 05/08/1924 Arkansas D: 12/21/1977.
2~Ralph Eugene Brewer
3~Fay Odel Brewer B: 04/05/1929 D: 10/25/1930.
4~Mary Bell Brewer B: 11/13/1931 Oklahoma D: 01/16/1996. M: Floyd Eldridge Bankston
5~Katherine Brewer B: 09/25/1933 D: 06/05/1934.
6~Chester Ray Brewer M: Sue Rodden
7~Annie Delpha Brewer
8~Oleta Brewer
9~Leota Brewer B: 05/29/1944 D: 0816/1945.
10~Clifford Lee Brewer B: 01/25/1946 D: 01/26/1946.
2~Louie Brewer B: 1902 Arkansas D: 1931 in California.
3~Bessie Brewer B: 1907 Arkansas.
4~Adam Bryant Brewer B: 04/01/1909 Arkansas D: 05/21/1977 CA. M: Mildred Lou Brown 1916-1961.
1~James Richard Brewer B: 06/30/1937 Arkansas; D: 10/12/2000 California. M: Carolyn Jan Crouch.
2~Robert Dale Brewer M: Merle Rose Cox
5~Edna Pearl Brewer B: 1912 Arkansas D: 1922 AR.
6~Francis Marie Brewer B: 02/22/1914 Arkansas D: 05/11/1987 in California. M: Joe Perry B: 07/08/1932 California D: 09/05/1986 California.
7~Paul Brewer B: 10/04/1917 Arkansas D: 02/22/2001 California. M: Mertle Vuneda Harrison.
1~Charles Floyd Brewer B: 11/15/1938 AR D: 11/15/1938 AR.
2~Deloris Marie Brewer M: Laurence Burdick
3~Roy Lee Brewer M: Margaret Newman
4~Donald Ray Brewer B: 07/25/1944 California D: 1945 California.
5~Jimmy Don Brewer M: Nancy Welch
8~Silas Brewer B: 10/04/1917 Arkansas D: 10/04/1917 Arkansas.
9~Viola Brewer B: 1919 in Arkansas D: 1919 Arkansas.
10~John Franklin Brewer B: 12/11/1921 Arkansas D: 11/15/1992 California. M: Rosie Lee Harrison 1925-1998.
1~Ronnie Gene Brewer M: Mildred Yvonne Whitley
2~Tommy Ray Brewer M: Roxann Brumback
3~Barbara Gaylan Brewer M: John Arnold Stanfill
4~Cheryl Brewer M: Donald Joe Howard
11~Raymond Hershel Brewer B: 10/25/1924 Arkansas D: 01/09/1996 California. M: Betty Weeks.
12~Emily Jane Brewer B: 06/20/1928 Texas D: 10/01/1987 in California. M: Charley Howard Sanders 1921-1995.
1~Marvin Richard Sanders
2~Mary Katherine Sanders
6~James Thomas Brewer B: 05/31/1883 AR D: 11/13/1971 Crawford Co., Arkansas. M1: 1907 Mary Emily Maggie 1888-1930 M2: 1931 Minnie Rumminer.
James Thomas Brewer - 1904
1~Raymon Fay Brewer B: 06/15/1909 Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 05/26/1997 Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark. M: 1937Sheila Porter.
1~Mary Ann Brewer
2~John Quince Brewer B: 12/18/1911 Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 10/26/1987 Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark. M: 1935 Myrtle Vuel McGehee.
1~Jimmie-Mac Brewer
3~Velma Viola May Brewer
4~James Howell Brewer B: 08/18/1917 Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 03/22/1988 Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., AR. M: 1948 Robbie Gooding.
1~Linda Sue Brewer M: 1968 Fred G. Burrows
1~Don Michael Burrows
2~Daryl Ryan Burrows
2~Anita Jane Brewer M: 1986 Daniel Eugene Rister
1~Benjamin James Rister
2~Anna Marie Rister
5~Monroe Doyle Brewer
6~Melba June Brewer.
7~Ruby Brewer
8~Nina Ruth Brewer
01~Henry Doyle Brewer 1896-1897
02~Florence Elnore Brewer 1894-1977 M1: 1914 John Ancil Allen 1894-1965, s/o James Allen and Ora Suttles M2: Guy Farmer.
Florence Elnore Brewer ca.1900
1~John Virgil Allen B: 02/09/1915 Rudy, Crawford County, Arkansas D: 01/13/ 1993 in Hillsboro, Oregon.
2~Ora Lee Allen B: 03/12/1917 Oklahoma D: 03/17/1936 in Crawford Co., Arkansas.
3~James Robert Allen B: 02/04/1921 Crawford Co., Ark.; D: 08/14/1978 Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas.
4~Marion Louis Allen B: 10/09/1922 Crawford Co., Ark.; D: 02/23/1988 Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark..
5~Bonnie Delois Allen B: 06/15/1924 Rudy, Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 11/16/1991 Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark.
6~Fred Rudolf Allen B: 01/01/1927 Rudy, Crawford Co., Arkansas D: 01/04/2001 Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas.
7~Eugene Douglas Allen B: 09/28/1930 Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas D: 06/04/2001 in Salem, Marion County, Oregon.
3~Daniel Brewer 1853- M1: Darthula Weaver 1862-1938 M2: 1883 Martha A. McBride 1853-.
1~J. T. Brewer
2~Wesley Brewer
3~Rena M Brewer
4~Mary Brewer 1854-
5~Ann Brewer 1856-
6~Caroline Brewer 1858-
7~William Austin Brewer 1861-1923 M1: Lou Lovegrove M2: 1883 Mary Ellen Chastain 1873-1963.
1~Hugh Brewer
2~Mary Ann Brewer 1884-1931
8~Isaac Nelson Brewer 1865-1959 M: 1885 Malinda Frances Nix 1868-1948
Isaac Nelson Brewer - 1950
1~Mabel A Brewer 1889- M: J. C. Bolling
1~Lois Jane Bolling
2~Betty Jane Bolling
2~Myrtel Brewer 1892- M: Harry Mitchell
1~Lucille Mitchell
2~Francis Mitchell
3~Irene Mitchell
5~Caroline Brewer B: 03/11/1829 Indiana D: 1907 M: John Bodine 1822-1907
6~Bryant Brewer B: 02/10/1831 Indiana D: 10/11/1912 Kansas. M: 1850 Jane Hibbs 1830-
1~William Brewer
2~Sanford Brewer
3~Homer Brewer
4~Willard Brewer
7~Isaac Brewer B: 01/10/1833 Indiana D: 05/23/1863 Michigan.
8~Amos Brewer B: 1834 Indiana.
9~Mary Brewer B: 04/04/1835 Indiana.
10~Eliza Ellen Brewer B: 04/17/1837 Indiana.M: ~Garrison.
11~Eric Brewer 1839 D: M: ~Lindsey
6~Wilson Brewer B: 1801 NC D: 1856 M: Rhoda McChristy 1809-
1~Andrew Jackson Brewer 1832-1857 M: Harriet Wilson Franks 1838-1912
1~Albert Wilson Brewer 1856-1894 M: Emogene Emma Broughton 1858-1942
1~Donald C Brewer
7~Nathan Brewer B: 1808 NC D: 1888 IN M: Nancy Head 1808-1827 M2: Rhoda McChristy 1810-1849 M3: Jane Jordan Street 1810-1884
1~Celia Ann Brewer 1825- M: Jackson George Garner 1820-
2~Betsy Ann Brewer 1830-1855 M: John Mikesal
3~Mary Jane Brewer 1832- M: Clinton Barnard
4~Suffrona Brewer 1836-1851
5~William Thomas Brewer 1837-1862 M: Rebecca Day 1835-
1~Emma Irene Brewer 1858-
2~Arthur Brewer 1862-1935
6~Floyd Brewer 1839 - 1886
7~Amos Brewer 1843-
8~Arthur Brewer 1845 - 1926
9~Christopher Columbus Brewer 1848 - 1883 M: Vine Freeman 1851-
1~Clayton Brewer
10~Pharoah Wayne Brewer 1850 - 1930 M: Cassie Moyer 1853-1886 M2: Emma Stewart 1853-
1~Jay Fraize Brewer 1879-
2~Mark Edgar Brewer
3~Winnie Winton Brewer
8~Andrew Jackson Brewer B: 1815 KY D: 05/31/1898 Michigan M: Jane Warren 1810-
1~Andrew Brewer
2~Huldah Jane Brewer
3~Sarah Elizabeth Brewer
4~Sophia Ellen Brewer
5~James Brewer
6~Thomas Brewer
7~Margaret Ann Brewer
2~John Brewer 1770-1855 M: ~Temperance 1776-1860
1~Leroy H. Brewer 1822-1904
3~Oliver Brewer 1771-1855 M: 1804 Mary Henderson 1786-1827
1~Henderson Brewer 1804–1892
2~William Lewis Brewer 1809–1871
3~James Stevenson Brewer 1811–1886
4~Lucinda Brewer 1813–1886
5~Rebecca Rachael Brewer 1816–1899
6~Mary Brewer 1820–1841
7~Mathilda Brewer 1823–1841
8~Louvisa Brewer 1825–1860
4~Stephen Brewer 1772-1860 M: 1811 Mary Malinda Whitsett 1792-1860, d/o Joseph
Whitsett and Mary Clifford
1~Lewis Brewer 1812-1870
2~Lucinda Brewer 1813-1876
3~John Brewer 1814-1880 M: Parmelia Davis
4~Louisa Brewer 1812-1878 M: 1828 Joseph R Landrey
5~Milton Brewer 1818-1840 M: 1830 Catherine Warner Henry
6~James Stephen Brewer 1821-1879 M: 1842 Jane Harrison Leach 1825-1900
1~John M Brewer 1842–1853
2~William Newton Brewer 1843–1919
3~James Stephen Brewer 1846–1919
4~Sarah Ann Brewer 1851–1856
5~Emily Sarah Brewer 1852–Deceased
6~Joseph L. Brewer 1856–1860
7~Rachel Emily Brewer 1857–1925
8~Mary Jane Brewer 1860–1938
7~Aaron Brewer 1823-1903 M: 1849 Anna Thomas M2: 1851 Louisa Jane Lawson M3: Elizabeth Long
8~Emily Brewer 1825-1866 M: Edmond Leach
5~James Brewer B: 1775 NC D: 1830 TN M: 1794 Elizabeth Prather 1775 NC 1860
1~Elizabeth Brewer 1796-1850 M: Maj William P Peterson
2~Hardy Brewer B: 1800 NC D: 1850 M: Nancy Brewer
1~Ann Brewer 1822 NC D: M: 11/18/1843 Felix Brown Mink 1821-1899 KY, s/o John Bandy Mink 1787-1859 & Nanacy Loisa Wilson 1789-1860.
Felix Mink & Ann Brewer
2~Rebecca Jane Brewer 1832-1896 M: Albert Gallatin Mink 1830-1895
3~Catherine Brewer 1805- M: 02/25/1826 James Davis 1806-
4~Nicholas Levi Brewer B: 05/12/1806 D: 02/01/1884 M: Elizabeth Ann Dunn
5~Asa C Brewer B: 02/28/1808 NC D: 12/23/1876 TN M: Leah Brickley
1~Levi Daniel. Brewer 1844-1927 M: Martha Anne Brandon
1~George Washington Brewer 1883-1971 M: Barbara Alice Trotter
1~Dottry George Brewer, Sr 1921-1987 M: Pauline Henderson
1~Dottry George Brewer, Jr.
6~J. B. Brewer
7~Nathaniel Brewer 1810-1885 M: 07/28/1831 Isabella Davis 1810-
8~Thomas Brewer 1812-
9~Rebecca Nancy Brewer B: 02/19/1814 D: 04/05/1906 M: Shadrack W Green 1817-1899
10~Calvin M. Brewer 1820-
11~Henry Brewer
6~John Bruel Brewer B: 05/07/1775 NC D: 04/29/1855 AL M: Phebe~
1~Eva Dorthea Dolly Brewer-Bruel 1800-1873 TN M: Leonard Thornburgh
1~Marcus M Thornburgh
2~Barbara Matilda Thornburg
2~Zadock moved to Mississippi, then later to Arkansas.
4~Joseph died at age 42 of a kidney infection in Jackson Co. Al
6~Jessee Joseph Brewer 1808 SC D: 1850 AL M: Mary Frazier 1810-1860 AL
1~Samuel Brewer 1835- M: Sarah C Mason
1~George W E Brewer 1863-1932 AL M: Mary Ellen Dotson 1865-1920 AL
1~James Samuel Brewer 1886-1970 AL
7~Joseph Brewer 1776-
8~William Thomas Brewer 1780-1854 M1: Biddy King 1783- M2: Dorcus Tabitha Churchwell 1770-1856
1~Robert Brewer 1797-1870
2~Thomas Brewer 1801-
3~Lucinda Brewer 1802
4~John Brewer 1803-1860
5~Jesse Caendere Brewer
6~Martin Brewer 1807-
7~Susannah Brewer 1814-1863
8~William Brewer 1826-1876
9~Asa Brewer 1782-1790 M: 1807 Dorcus Williams 1789-1847 AL
1~Dorcus Brewer M: Francis M Tungate
2~Asa Brewer Jr B: 02/28/1808 D: 12/23/1876 TN M: Leah Brickey 1811-1869
1~Jasper Newton Brewer 1846-1925
10~George Brewer 1780-1843
11~Jesse Brewer 1788-
1~William Brewer B: 1798 MD D: Lived in Greenup, Cumberland, IL, 1870.
2~Robert Brewer B: 1808 NC D: 1870 CSA. M1: 01/31/1822 Sarah Fife, d/o William Fife 1775-1854 & Sarah 1778-1849 M2: 06/10/1828 Sarah Jackson 1810-1849 d/o James & Oliva Jackson M3: 1850 Pheba Brady B: 1829 apx D: In 1876, they lived in Clarinda & Hawleyville in Page County, Iowa M3: .
1~Rebecca D. Brewer 1834-1880 M1: 12/26/1852 Thomas Perswell B: 1825 D: 1857 M2: 1862 John Anthony B: 1816 D: 1877. John's first wife, Dora Groetzinger Gaetgruyer 1819-1862. Pioneer Settler of the Cherokee Strip.
1~Sofronah Perswell B: 11/21/1853 D:
2~Cordeliann Perswell B: 11/21/1853 D:
3~Clayton H. Perswell B: 02/02/1855
4~Yeliah Elizabeth Perswell B: 09/20/1857 D: 06/14/1915 Goldendale, WA M: Will Stiner
5~John Robert Anthony 1863-1938
6~Charles Marion Anthony 1866-1943
Vallonia Cemetery, Oberlin, Kansas
7~Anna C. Anthony 1868-1915 M: Charles O Personett 1870-1950
8~Rachel M. Anthony B: ? D: 12/24/1912 M: Albert Kelley
9~Thomas Franklin Anthony 1877-1944 Vallonia Cemetery M: Hannah Ellen Streator 1873-1962, Vallonia Cemetery. Daughter of George Daniel Streator & Sarah E. Dilley.
1~Alice Anthony 03/13/1902 D: 03/08/1916 Vallonia Cemetery
Vallonia Cemetery
2~Marian Anthony Ewing 1903-1993
3~George Edgar Anthony 1907-1986
4~Glenn Thomas Anthony 1909-1983
01~John Freers Anthony 1846- (son of Dora Groetzinger Gaetgruyer 1819-1862).
02~Jacob Anthony 1854- (son of Dora Groetzinger Gaetgruyer 1819-1862).
03~Andrew Thomas Anthony B: 04/13/1855 D: 10/21/1943 OK (son of Dora Groetzinger Gaetgruyer 1819-1862. M1: 10/25/1876 Mary Ann Brewer B: 05/01/1859 D: 05/01/1896 OK. M2: Ozena Young-Anthony 1860-1942.
04~William Anthony, stepson 1857- (son of Dora Groetzinger Gaetgruyer 1819-1862).
05~Zelah Anthony 1858- (son of Dora Groetzinger Gaetgruyer 1819-1862).
06~Henry Anthony 1860- (son of Dora Groetzinger Gaetgruyer 1819-1862).
2~Christine Brewer 1835
3~Caroline Brewer 1836-1914 M1: 1856 Samuel Ferris 1836-1902
1~Charles Wellington Ferris 1858-1932 M: 1895 Ida Rosetta Tuttle 1859-1951
1~Guy Scott Ferris 1890-1942
2~Estes Ray Ferris 1893-1942
3~Mary O. Ferris 1898-1983
2~Robert B. Ferris 1859-1936 M: 1892 Minnie Belle Murray 1871-1951
1~Irella Belle Ferris 1892-1973
2~Asa Leslie Ferris 1894-1980
3~Izella S. Ferris 1896-1974
4~Jasa Wesley Ferris 1898-1922
5~Lacey Boliver Ferris 1900-1972
6~Idella Ferris 1901-2000
4~John T. Ferris 1862-1922 M: Alice Wright 1875-1933
1~Emma Ferris 1892-
2~Irene Ferris 1895-
3~Phoebe Ferris 1896-
4~John T. Ferris 1898-
5~D. Lawton Ferris 1900-
6~Edith E. Ferris 1902-
7~James E. Ferris 1905
5~Samuel Ferris 1863-1952 M: Louise M. x 1844- M2: Elsie x 1893-1981
6~William Ferris 1865-1964 M: 1899 to Nettie Forbs 1884-1915 M2: Allie~
1~Lester Aaron Ferris 1900-1930
2~Ester Ferris 1903-1903
3~Edward Leroy Ferris 1904-1977
4~Winnie Caroline Ferris 1906
5~Edna Gertrude Ferris 1910
6~Marjorie Louellen Ferris 1912
7~Mary Ferris 1869-1953 M: 1885 Louis Franklin Kidder 1854-1949
8~Emma Jane Ferris 1869-1955 M: 1893 John Wesley Dykes 1861-1951
9~Melvin Ferris 1871-1871
10~Johnson Bradley Ferris 1874-
11~Edward Ferris 1884-
4~Cline Brewer 1837 CSA
5~Jasper Brewer 1839 CSA
6~Benjamin Brewer 1843 CSA
01~Sarah F. Brewer 1854 IL
02~Hannah M Brewer 1856 IL
03~Mary Ann Brewer B: 05/01/1859 Iowa D: 05/01/1896 OK M: 10/25/1876 Andrew Thomas Anthony 1856-1943, in Muscatine, Iowa, on the Mississippi River in the east edge of the state. Ceremony is performed by A. B. Robbins, Pastor of the Congl. Church. Andrew Anthony and Mary Ann Brewer meet, because Mary Ann's sister Rebecca Brewer married Andrew's father John in 1862, when Mary was 3 and Andrew was 6. In 1893, Andrew, rode by horseback from Caldwell, Kansas, in the Cherokee Strip race into Oklahoma (Indian Territory) and got a farm. Andrew claimed land in Oklahoma between Lamont and Deer Creek, Oklahoma, near the Kansas border.
04~Robert Brady Brewer B: 12/1864 TN D; 04/09/1921 M; Harriet Ellen Martin 01/22/1868 Humboldt Nebraska D: 04/22/1932, buried in Neodesha Cemetery, Neodesha, Kansas. Tombstone date is incorrect.
1~Earl Martin Brewer 1892-1962 M: 10/02/1920, Fredonia, Wilson Co., KS, to Hazel Blaker 1903-1985
1~Don Branson Brewer B: 06/16/1921 Kansas D: 09/12/1960 Memory Gardens Cemetery, TX M:
1~David George Brewer Sr B: 01/30/1954 D: 03/16/1983 Memory Gardens Cemetery, TX
1~David George Brewer Jr
2~Ellen Mae Brewer B: 09/21/1922 D: 01/03/2001 M: 07/19/1957 Eugene Taylor Myers B: 01/28/1923 D: 10/29/1997 Altoona Cemetery, KS
3~Marion E Brewer 1926-
4~Del B Brewer 1921-
5~Golda J Brewer 1924
2~Henry Andrew Brewer 1893-
3~Robert Eugene Brewer 1896-1946 Green Cemetery, Country Club Village, Andrew County, Missouri, USA M: 1917, Kansas, to Loretta Pearl Hooker 1901-1975. M2): 1931 Amelia Alvina B: 10/5/1905 D: 2001 Green Cemetery. (Loretta's sisters Maude, Pearl & Anna Marie).
1~Virginia Pearl Brewer 1918-1995 M: Maurice Martin 1927-1984
2~Dorothy May/Morlean Brewer B: 1920 Kansas D: 1960
3~Robert Eugene Brewer Jr. B: 09/12/1922 Altoona, Sedgwick County, Kansas D: 03/14/1983 Santa Clara, CA. M: 1949 Elaine Edith Dunham. B: 05/02/1927 D: 03/12/1983, daughter of Fredd Harry Dunham, 1888-1972, and Edith E. Kiser born in 1886. At the time of enlistment, 03/17/1944. Robert E Brewer Jr was listed as single, without dependents, and had an education level of 1 year of high school. Army service number 37737145. Enlisting at the age of 21 on March 17, 1944, Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. Robert E Brewer Jr was a Private in the Selectees during World War II,. Skilled Mechanics and Repairmen, N.E.C Duration of War, Plus 6 Months, Group Regiment Commands System, Parachute Infantry Regiment (have not been able to confirm his Regiment/squad number), European Theatre France.
4~Betty Marie Brewer B: 1925 Wichita, KS D: 2008 M: Alvin Leroy Ashlock B: 08/29/1921 Wichita, KS D: 03/25/2006, buried Dallas-Ft Worth National Cemetery. Alvin, son of Harley J. (1894-1969) & Sarah Elizabeth Minnick Ashlock (1898-1991), was in WW II - Aviation Machinist's Mate, First Class, USS Yorktown. Ship classification: CV-10
1~Harley Leroy "Bud" Ashlock 1947–2023
2~Monte Dee Ashlock 1949–1993
5~Norman Dewie Brewer B: 02/28/1933 Lola, KS D: 09/06/2003 MS M1: 1953 Mary Lou Beierle 1934-1961, d/o Austin Charles Beierle and Carolin Beirle. 2 children. 1952 Editor of Central High School paper, St Joseph, MI. The body of Mrs. Mary Lou Brewer, who was killed Sunday at a resort in Minnesota, arrived in St. Joseph by airplane yesterday and was taken to the Meier- mortuary. M2: JoAnn Grace B: 02/07/1935 D: 02/14/2017 Daughter of Clyde Alfred Grace 1902-1948 & Mary Elizabeth Litson 1906-1993.
1~Christine Brewer-Scrivens
2~Douglas Brewer
3~Kenneth Brewer
4~Constance Brewer
5~David Brewer
4~Dovie Mae Brewer B: 04/27/1899 D: 05/15/1987 Neodesha Cemetery, Kansas. M: Elbert Ellsworth Gentry B: 09/21/1897 D: 12/06/1955.
1~Victor Wayne Gentry 1919–1942
2~Infant Gentry 1921–1921
3~Lewis Ellsworth Gentry 1922–1985 M: Mary Vivian Henricks 1921-2007
1~Dannny Gentry 1951-2020
1~Roger Lee Gentry 1981-2020
4~Billy E "Bill" Gentry 1924–1994 Juanita Henderson
5~Jimmie D "Jim" Gentry 1933–1999
6~Margie Marie Gentry 1940–1942
05~Dove Brewer 1866 Iowa D:
06~Ida Mary Brewer 1869 NC D: 1962 NC M: 1888 Jefferson D Pharr 1849-1934
1~Lillian Pharr Ramseur 1890–1977
2~Maggie D. Pharr Morrison 1892–1969
3~Henry Pharr 1894–1964
4~Mattie Lou Pharr Dean 1896–1994
5~Randolph Vernon Theodore Pharr 1901–1975
6~Spencer Herbert Pharr 1902–1990
7~Fred Frank Pharr 1907–1995
8~Herman Deosiea Pharr 1909–1969
3~Gilley Brewer B: 1812 NC D:
4~Thomas Brewer B: 1819 NC D: M: Elizabeth Brewer B:1818 Ohio D: They lived in Hawleyville, Iowa, 1847-1860.
1~Theresa Brewer B: 1839 Ohio D:
1~Huston Brewer B: 1855 MO D:
2~Mary Brewer B: 1847 Iowa D:
3~Benjamin Bruce Brewer B: 1849 Iowa D: 1908 Arkansas City, KS M: Amanda Ellen Duncan 1850-1915 KS. Mr. Brewer was well known in the city and was an old time resident of Cowley county. Before moving to the city several months ago he resided on a farm northeast of town.
1~Rufus Edward Brewer B: 1872-1887 Died of scarlet fever at 14.
2~Eva Gertrude Brewer B: 1873-1857 M: Charles O. Madison 1868-1942
1~Harry Orlando Madison 1898-1989 M: Leona M Kirkpatrick 1902-1989
3~Vinton Augustus Brewer B: 1875-1957 M1: 1903 Suda Hamilton 1883-1920 daughter of Thomas Hamilton 1850-1928. M2: 1921 Maggie May Shumate 1879-1975
1~Vera Amanda Brewer Stewart 1906–1994
2~Orlie Thomas Brewer 1908–1994 M: Edna Mae Pannell 1909-1991
3~Inez I Brewer Chandler 1913–2000
4~Clara Lucinda Brewer Mettz 1915–2002
4~Clara Jane Brewer 1876-1966 M: Rev Elmer C. Delaplain 1861-1936
1~Westfield Willis Delaplain 1907-1953
5~Harley John Brewer B: 1879-1963 M: Nellie Albertie Ellis 1882-1932
1~Velma V. Brewer 1904-1986
2~Veldo Harry Brewer 1906-1992 OK M: Daisy Evelyn Moore 1907-1992
1~Phyllis Dee Brewer 1937-1937
3~Benjamin A. Brewer 1908-1936 M: Eva Watson 1911-1999
6~Ada Elizabeth Brewer B: 1880-1961 M: 1909 Charles Thomas Smith 1880-1952
7~Charles Benjamin Brewer B: 1883-1964 M: Lillian Bottomley 1886-1982
1~Robert Benjamin Brewer 1911-1994 M: Doris Mae Miller 1912-1995
1~William Raymond Brewer 1942-2022
2~Doris Beatrice Brewer 1914-2008 M: 1936 Emery Edwin Cody 1913-2004
3~John Gilbert Brewer 1919-1995 M: Clara Alvina Hampl 1919-2001
4~Gilbert Brewer
5~Julia Brewer
6~Charles Brewer
8~Ivynette Ellen Brewer 1884-1969 M: Charles Williams Wilson 1882-1964
1~Audrey May Wilson 1905-1978
2~Aura Merrile Wilson 1907-
3~Dwight Brewer Wilson 1910-1988
4~Marjorie Wilson 1919-1997
5~Kenneth Leroy Wilson 1921-
9~Mamie Amanda Brewer B: 1888-1979 M: 1913 John Oliver Guffey 1886-1969
1~Avod I Guffey 1913-1965
2~Dorothy Virginia Guffey 1919-1987 M: Harold Frederick Shea 1914-1993
1~Jon Frederic Shea 1937-1995
10~Royal Clinton Brewer B: 1889-1939 M: 1913 Eva May Aumann 1892–1912 M2: 1913 Etha Mae Bright 1895-1954
1~William A. Brewer 1912–1936
2~Maxine Amanda Brewer 1914–2002
3~Delbert Ansel Brewer 1916–1958
4~Velma Valaska Brewer 1918–1984
5~Gerald Ansen Brewer 1920–1998
6~Minnie Marion Brewer 1921–2000
7~Clifford Wayne Brewer 1927–1989
8~Darlene Joan Brewer 1928–2013
4~Thomas Brewer B: 1856 Iowa D:
5~Sarah J. Brewer B: 1859 Iowa D:
12~Elizabeth Brewer 1789-1883 M: 1816 Lemuel Allen Adams 1797-1892
1~Mahala Adams 1822-
13~Mary Asbury Brewer 1790-1886 M: Spencer Isham Samuel Blankenship 1783-
1~William Blankenship 1807-1882
2~Lewis Blankenship 1811-1868
3~Jane Blankenship 1813-1896
4~Barton Blankenship 1815-
5~Burton Blankenship 1816-
6~John Preston Blankenship 1817-1875
7~Isham Blankenship 1822-1885
8~Mary Ann Blankenship 1824-1903
9~Spencer Blankenship 1828-1880
14~Benjamin Brewer 1791-
4~Christopher Brewer 1755-1791
5~Oliver Brewer II 1756-1834 M: 1789 Sarah~ 1775-
1~Roseanna Elizabeth Brewer 1790-1833 M: 1813 Rowland P Hewitt 1792-1852
2~John Brewer 1793-1845 M: 1815 Elvira Alexander 1799-1857
1~William Alexander Brewer 1818–1858 M: 1841 Margaret Isabelle Scott 1820-1913
1~Martha Ann Brewer Crow 1843–1923
2~John Fletcher Brewer 1844–1931
3~Sarah Elvira Brewer Harper 1846–1875
4~Mary Lucinda Brewer Harris 1848–1923
5~Amanda Caroline Brewer Sherwood 1849–1922
6~James Henry Brewer 1850–1939
7~Evangeline St Clair Brewer Mann 1855–1934
2~Sarah Ann Brewer 1826–1912 M: 1844 John Decatur Bacon 1817-1905
1~John Henry Bacon 1846–1919
3~John Manning Brewer 1827–1906 M: 1863 Louisa Jane Johnson 1845-1874
1~Henry S. Brewer 1866–1866
2~Preston Colfax Brewer 1870–1964
4~Lucinda Brewer 1831–1908 M: 1850 Patrick Laird 1825-1876
1~Samuel T. Laird 1850–1926
2~John W. Laird 1852–1926
3~Reese Henry Laird 1855–1931
4~William Oliver Laird 1857–1941
5~Joysey Evelyn Laird Bristow 1860–1940
6~Addie E. Laird 1862–1947
7~Pomeroy N. Laird 1868–1944
8~Dora B Laird Lewis 1872–1968
5~Rev Oliver P. Brewer 1833–1905 M: 1853 Margaret Cunningham 1834-1916
1~Sarah Elvira Brewer 1853–1864
2~Charity Caroline Brewer Baker 1854–1930
3~Martin Luther Brewer 1859–1864
4~Milton Wright Brewer 1861–1956
5~Theodore L. Brewer 1864–1894
6~Alonzo Orlando Brewer 1866–1951
7~Loren Hines Brewer 1869–1920
6~Reece Alexander Brewer 1835–1909 M: 1858 Eliza Ann Johnson 1843-1870 M2: Flora E. French Brewer 1857–1878 M3: Eliza J. James Brewer 1842–1906
1~James Brewer 1859–1920
2~John Scott Brewer 1860–1949
3~Martha J. Brewer Wright 1861–1919
4~Ella M. Brewer Brown 1862–1902
5~Emma L. Brewer 1865–1873
6~Effie Flora Brewer Mills 1875–1963
7~Margret E. Brewer 1877–1878
8~Fred Reece Brewer 1878–1964
7~Elvira Caroline Brewer 1839-1861 M: 1854 Joseph B Riley 1835-1902
1~John Wesley Riley 1857-1931
2~Henry Clay Riley 1859-1946
3~Benjamin F Riley 1861-
3~Oliver Brewer III 1795-1832 M: Elizabeth Dickson 1815-1870
1~Elizabeth Brewer 1815-
2~Mary Brewer 1816-1816
3~Henry Brewer 1821-1834
4~James Brewer 1822-1826
5~John D Brewer 1830-1930
6~David Brewer 1832-1862
4~Henry Brewer 1799-1875 M: 1829 Elizabeth Hewett 1805-1875
1~Cynthia Brewer 1830-18592~
2~Rosanna Brewer 1833-1877
3~William R. Brewer 1837-1872
4~James P. Brewer 1840-1845
5~Archibald Yell Brewer 1844-1916
6~Martha E. Brewer 1844-1846
7~Henry Taylor Brewer 1850-1925
6~Frances Brewer 1756-1840
7~Hannah Brewer 1758-1835 M: John Edwards 1750- s/o William Harrison Edwards 1720-1801 & F Mary Elizabeth Cramer 1721-.
8~Patti Brewer 1759-1820 M: 1779 George Henry Blalock/Blaylock 1755-1828. They moved to Ohio in 1803 and George lost all of his property, including his discharge certificate, during the 1st Siege of Fort Meigs (at present-day Perrysburg, Ohio) in the spring of 1813, following the surrender of General William Hull (War of 1812). He then moved to Logan County, Ohio and later applied for a pension 18 Apr 1829 from there. He died after 1830 in Bath, Allen County, Ohio. (Pension Application #R20206
1~Brewer Blaylock 1790-1840 M: 02/21/1810, Greene Co., OH, to Elizabeth Kennedy 1793-1850
1~Henry Blaylock 1821-1877 M: 1841 Elizabeth Vance
1~Martha Jane Blaylock 1843-
2~Marion Blaylock 1848-
3~Celia Ann Blaylock 1850-1888
4~Sarah Blaylock 1853-
5~William Blaylock 1855-
6~Mary Blaylock 1867-
9~Rebecca Ann Brewer 1760-1837 M: 1775 William Franklin Edwards Sr 1755-1837
1~Oliver Edwards 1775 - 1821
2~John Edwards 1778 - 1823
3~Anna Edwards 1780 - 1836
4~William Franklin Edwards 1782 - 1847
5~Alsey Edwards 1786-1863 M: Thomas Farrar 1781-1858
1~Rebecca Farrar 1804-1841
6~Edward Edwards 1789 - 1834
10~Edward Brewer 1762-1845 M: 1785 Mary Strictland 1760-1833. Rev. War soldier. Edward Brewer served out of Chatham County North Carolina during the Revolutionary War, and applied for a pension in 1834 while living in Randolph County, NC. January 1787, Edward bought 36 acres of land on the Haw River in Chatham Co., from his cousin Hubbard Brewer.
1~Edward Cannon Brewer 1786-1862 M: 1806 Connoie Lang 1784-1872
2~Oliver C. Brewer B: 1815 apx
5~Henry Lanier Brewer 1708-1779 M: 1730 Mary Smith 1716-1779. He patented land in North Carolina in 1756 & 1759. He was on the poll Tax list for 1755 Orange Co, NC.
1~George Brewer 1731-1775 M: Mary~
2~Henry Lanier Brewer 1735-1825 M:
1~Mary W Brewer 1765-1841 M: Philip Philmon Howell 1760-1812
1~Elizabeth Howell 1805-1860 M: William Prince
1~Amy Prince
3~Hubbard Brewer 1736-1795 M: Esther~
4~Isaac Brewer 1738-
5~Oliver Brewer 1740-
6~Ann Brewer 1742- M: Parker
7~Mary Brewer 1744-
8~Sarah Brewer 1746-
9~Amanda Brewer 1748-
10~Rebecah Brewer 1748-
11~Frances Brewer 1750-
12~Alisen/Allison Brewer 1752-
13~ Charles Brewer1754-
6~Thomas Nathaniel Brewer I 1712-1804 M: Sarah Crosby 1710-
1~David Brewer
2~Thomas Nathaniel Brewer II 1755-1800
1~Thomas Nathaniel Brewer III 1774-1835 M: Lucretia Brewer
1~William Brewer 1793-1874
1~William Brewer 1814-1881
2~Bryant Brewer 1799-1845 M: Elizabeth Brewer 1798-
1~Bryant Brewer 1831
3~Nathan Brewer 1808-1888
1~William Thomas Brewer B: 1825 GA D: 1883 AR M: Malinda Margaret Taliaferro 1832-1878. Colonel of the Ninth Regiment of Arkansas Infantry, Confederate States Army.
1~Rosa Brewer Breathwaite 1856–1909
2~Benjamin T. Brewer 1859–1900 Masonic
3~Nicholas T. Brewer 1867–1906
4~Lucy Carter Brewer 1872–1939 M: Jesse Lane DeLony 1860-1940
2~William Brewer 1776-1854 AL
3~James Brewer 1778-
3~Francis Brewer
4~Daniel Brewer
5~William Brewer 1776-1854
6~George Brewer
7~James Brewer 1778-
8~Patience Brewer
9~Lucy Brewer M: Meacham
10~Milly Brewer
11~Susannah Brewer
12~Nancy Brewer
7~Sarah Brewer 1714-1789 M: 1730 John Matthew Vick Jr 1715-1787 VA, s/o John Vick Sr & Catherine Howell. John owned hundreds of acres and had slaves.
1~Howell Vick 1737-1795 M: 1759 Ann Hobbs
2~John Vick III 1755-1835 M: 1775 Tabitha~. He inherited the Meherrin Parish plantation as well as a slave, a cross-cut saw, and his father's still.
3~Henrietta Vick 1740-1794 M: Woods
4~Sarah Vick 1745-1795
5~Edith Vick 1760- M: 1790 William Richardson
6~Mary Vick 1762- M: 1791 Richard Mason
7~Ann Vick 1752 M: Clark
8~Catherine Vick 1750-1824 M: 1779 Nathaniel Woodruff
8~Howell Brewer Sr 1715-1772 M: 1741 Rebecca Willis B: 1727 D: 1755. In 1744, he and his step-mother settled his father's estate in Brunswick County including land and slaves. In 1749, he recieved a 200 acre land grant Bladen Co, North Carolina. Area settled for the affordable, fertile land. M2: 1756 Marian May. In 1757, he was deeded 100 acres by John May, Marian's father.
1~Lt John Brewer Sr 1738-1824 M: 1758 Amey Meredith 1734- Enlisted under Captain William Gholeson in Chatham County, North Carolina.
1~Nathan Thomas Brewer 1759-1836 M: Mary Polly Powers
1~Willis B Brewer 1799-1848 M: Mahalia Maynard
1~Thomas Brewer 1825-1885 M1: Elizabeth Pelfrey B: D: 1858 M2: 1859 Mary Polly Ely M3: Mary Lawson d/o Joseph Lawson and Susannah Lunsford.
1~Breckenridge Brewer 1844-1915 M: Frances Jane Center 1835-1912
1~George Howard Brewer 1867-1944 Fairview Baptist Church Cemetery Halls Gap, Lincoln County, KY M: Rose Ellen Peck 1862-1949.
1~Andrew J Brewer 1887–1963
2~Floyd James Brewer 1892–1986
3~Elizabeth Easter Brewer Tipton 1898–1987
2~William Rolan Brewer 1846-1922 William Brewer Cemetery Wolfe County, KY M: Pauline B. Hollon 1844-1916
1~Thomas Jefferson Brewer I 1868–1948 M: Margaret Lue Culbertson 1872–1915
1~Willie Brewer 1895–1920
2~Ada Brewer Campbell 1908–1995
3~Lula Brewer Stamper 1911–1979
3~Dr. Jeremiah Brewer B: 1852 Holly Creek, KY D: 1913, died from septecemia M: Louisa Emma Lawson 1844-1905
Jeremiah Brewer 1852-1913 M: Louisa Emma Lawson (center is Eppie Little)
1~William Hayden Brewer 1870-1926 M; Mary Elizabeth Clem
1~Daniel Boone Brewer 1905-1956 M: Elizabeth Herald
1~Daniel Brewer
2~Daniel Boone Brewer 1872–1953
3~Nancy Belle Brewer 1873–1935 M: Shackelford
4~Floid Brewer 1876–1887
5~Sarah Ellen Brewer 1880–1951 Dunn
4~Stephen M. Brewer 1854-1926 M: Eugenie Risner 1883-1958
1~Mitchell Michael Brewer 1880–1930
2~Millard F. Brewer 1883–1905
3~Jerry M. Brewer 1890–1965
4~George Jesse Brewer 1894–1975
5~Floyd Brewer 1902–1967
6~Steve M. Brewer 1905–1967
7~Lilly M. Brewer Pettit McCreary 1908–1978
8~Emma Elizabeth Brewer Wells 1915–2001
9~Mary A. Brewer Wells 1917–1981
10~Woodrow Wilson Brewer 1919–1978
5~Jefferson Brewer B: 10/02/1856 D: 05/15/1933 Brewer and Rose Cemetery, Trent, Wolfe County, KY M: Mary Almedia Landreth 1867–1950
1~William Preston Brewer 1885–1920 Brewer and Rose Cemetery, Trent, Wolfe County, KY M: Samantha Creech 1888-1919
1~Osa J. Brewer 1909–1999
2~Kelly Creech Brewer 1915–1986
3~Stella Brewer 1919–1919
2~Stephen Marshall Brewer 1889–1972 Evans Cemetery, Campton, Wolfe County, KY M: Nancy Creech 1891-1978. He was a member of Cox Lodge No 464 for 53 years, a member of Eve Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, for 52 years, and a member of Campton Baptist Church. He also served two terms as coronor of Wolfe County.
1~Lillie Brewer Alexander 1909–1993
2~William Dorsey Brewer 1911–1990
3~Opal Brewer Cox 1913–2012
4~Raymond Brewer 1919–2013
5~Allene Brewer 1923–1944
3~A Floyd Brewer 1893–1976 Sunset Memorial GardensWest Irvine, Estill County, KY M: Margaret Brown 1891-1964
1~Christine Durbin 1918–1982
2~Blanche Irene Brewer Tipton 1921–2012
4~Boyd James Brewer 1896–1987 Roberts CemeteryPowell County, KY M: Flossie Roberts 1908-2001
1~Earl Christopher Brewer1918–1990
2~Bettie Lee Brewer1937–1938
5~Kellie Brewer 1899–1928 Brewer and Rose CemeteryTrent, Wolfe County, KY M: Alpha Edelle Bailey 1903-1985
1~Acy Lloyd Brewer1921–1944
2~Kelly Brewer1929–2003
6~Brack Brewer 1902–1976 Evans Cemetery, Campton, Wolfe County, KY M: Docia Caudill 1901-1976. He was a native of Wolfe County and a retired employee of the Kentucky Highway Department., a member and past master of the Cox Lodge 464 F & A.M. and a member of Eve Chapter 272 O.E.S., and a member of the Baptist Church.
1~Imogene Brewer DuVall 1925–1978
2~Mary Belle Brewer Lewis 1927–1993
3~Paul Estill Brewer 1929–2003
4~Burl Brewer 1936–1936
7~Jerry Carl Brewer 1906–1990 Williamsburg Cemetery Williamsburg, Ohio M: 1923 Elizabeth May Spencer 1908-1985
1~Asa Carl Brewer 1924–2001
2~Kenneth Dale Brewer 1931–1977
2~Elizabeth Brewer Lawson 1833 – unknown
3~Lewis A. Brewer 1835–1935
4~Angeline Brewer Hatton 1835–1901m.
5~Hannah Brewer Taylor 1845–1913
2~John Brewer Jr
3~William Brewer
4~George Brewer
5~Amos Brewer
6~Isaac Brewer
2~Howell Brewer Jr, B: 1741 Brunswick County D: 1851 M: Elizabeth~. Enlisted 1779 for the Revolutionary War
1~Isaac Brewer B: 1763 Creek and Cherokee Nation, in what later became Wilkes County, Georgia D: 1852 Silver Run, Talladega County, AL. In 1781 was shot in the back at the Battle of Cane Creek, but survived.
2~Nimrod Brewer 1767-
3~Reuben Brewer 1768-1855
4~Simon Brewer 1775-1853
5~George Brewer 1777-1846
6~John Brewer 1779-
3~William Brewer B: 1752-1837 M: 1780 Sarah Asbury. Enlisted March of 1780 under Captain William Gholeson in Chatham County, North Carolina for three months. in the cause of freedom. His three tours of duty which amounted to about nine months in total. were many others of his family including several of his brothers – John, Howell Jr, Ambrose and Henry Brewer – as well as his nephew Isaac Brewer. It was from Blount County, on the 10th of August 1832, that William applied for pension due him for his service in the war. He was then about 80 years old. He was granted a pension amounting to $30/yr for nine months of soldiering and continued to receive it until his death in 1837,
1~Mary Asbury Brewer 1789-1850 M: Spencer Blankenship
4~Ambrose Brewer 1753-1816 M: 1780 Mary Oma Richardson
1~Howell Cobb Brewer 1790-1886 M1: Nancy Louisa Short M2: 1838 Mary Wolfe 1800-1896
1~Ambrose Brewer 1814 TN D: 1900 AR. M1: 1837 Susanna Susan Cope B: 1817 in Hawkins County, TN D: 10/23/1875 in Pulaski County, KY. M2: 02/17/1876 Lucinda Swearingen B: 1843 in Pulaski County, KY. D: 11/07/1925 in Cove, Polk County, AR.
1~Lucinda Brewer B: 1837 in Hawkins County, TN D: M:
2~John Brewer B: 04/01/1838 in Hawkins County, TN D: 04/02/1912 in Knox County, KY M:
3~James Brewer B: 1841 in Hawkins County, TN D: M:
4~William Brewer B: 1843 in Hawkins County, TN D: M:
5~Elizabeth Brewer Imes Barker B: 01/24/1844 in Hawkins County, TN D: 05/01/1921 in Franklin County, KY M:
6~George Washington Brewer B: 09/15/1849 in Davidson County, TN D: 07/23/1924 in Sevier County, AR M:
7~Howell Brewer B: 02/12/1854 in Owlsley County, KY D: 06/30/1919 in KY M:
8~Pleasant Brewer B: 02/01/1856 in White County, TN D: 11/27/1930 in Sevier County, AR M:
9~Easter Adeline Brewer B: 04/15/1857 in Grainger County, TN D: 10/29/1922 in Owen County, KY M: Greenup
10~Ambrose M. "Bug" Brewer B: 11/18/1858 in Grainger County, TN; D: 03/01/1930 in Sevier County, AR. M:
11~Micajah (Mack Cager) Brewer B: 03/22/1861 in Jackson County, KY; D: 11/11/1937 in Polk County, AR. M:
01~Mary Susanna BrewerB: 12/15/1876 in Pulaski County, KY D: M: Todd
2~William Henry Harrison Brewer B: 04/23/1880 in Pulaski County, KY D: 10/28/1938 in Waco, McLennan County, TX M:
03~Samuel Brewer B: 1884 in Pulaski County, KY. D:
2~Howell Polk Brewer 1826-1892
1~George Washington Brewer B: 09/11/1847 KY D: 09/14/1941 M: Newarky Kay Hensley. KY George Washington Brewer's ancestral roots were deeply set in the colonial ground of southern Virginia. His great, great grandfather settled his father's estate there, including the land and slaves, in 1744 and received a land grant in North Carolina a few years later. The family was all there by around 1755. Quite a large clan of Brewers ended up in what was eventually Chatham County as well as the surrounding areas. During and after the Revolutionary War, folks were on the move. veteran of the Civil War, a preacher, and also operated a steam mill on the Brewer's Branch of Goose Creek in Clay County. His portion of the family migrated into Tennessee and Kentucky, where George was born. George Washington Brewer.
2~Valentine Sevier Brewer 1842-1935 M1: 1865 Sarah Jane Wilson 1844–1913 M2: 1914 Louvisa Caudill 1869–1955. Mustered in at Paris, Ky., August 16, 1862. Attached to Army of Kentucky, unassigned, Dept. of Ohio, to November, 1862. District of Central Kentucky, Dept. Ohio, to March, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, M. D. M., to July, 1865. 7th Regiment Kentucky Calvary
1~Mary Margaret Brewer Burch 1866–1955
2~Alfred Grant Brewer 1867–1941 In 1901, he joined the service. M: Dora Bell Spence-Strong, 1879-1973, the widow of Andrew Strong 1877-1922.
1~Beatrice Strong 1919-1919
2~Ruth Strong 1912-
3~Robert Brewer
4~Lucy Brewer
5~Howell C Brewer
6~William Wolfe Brewer 1874–1937
7~Emily Belle Brewer
8~Morris Daniel Brewer 1877–1951 M: 1819 Rachel Mahaffey 1882-1966 Valentine Brewer Cemetery Sturgeon, KY.
1~Daisy Brewer 1915–1931
2~Raymond Brewer 1923–1923
9~Rutherford Brewer 1877–1951
10~Wilson Glass Brewer 1880–1957 M: Mary Lane 1890-1973
1~Evelyn Bernice Brewer 1919-2012 N: Edwin Paul Botner 1916-2005
2~Alfred Brewer, Jr 1925-1969
11~Orlena Brewer
12~Fenix Norman Felix Brewer 1883–1969 M: Martha Lane 1890-1912
1~Myrtle Goldie Brewer Hunter 1912–2010
13~Sarah Martha Brewer 1885–1963 M: Blaine Wilson 1884-1964
14~Lucian Boyd Brewer 1886–1954 M: Maude Mae Hughes 1890–1959
1~Virgie Brenice Brewer Botner 1910–1934
2~Valentine S Brewer 1919–1982
2~Pleasant Brewer 1800-1871 M: Elizabeth Seals 1803-1887
1~Thomas Ambrose Brewer 1818-1912 Elizabeth Seals 1824-1912 d/o Hezekiah Seals1792-1849 and Julia Cope 1803-1856
2~Russell Brewer 1823-1876 M: Elizabeth Rector 1819-1885
1~Pvt. David S. Brewer 1841-1864 M: Rebecca Ann Walker 1836-1871. Pvt. David D. S. Brewer was accidently shot by another soldier during civil war while at Glasow, Barren Co., Kentucky. Pvt. Co. E 37 Ky Inf, Union.
1~James Pleasant Brewer 1871- TN
2~Rev. John Emett Brewer 1843–1864 Andersonville National Cemetery, GA
3~Mary Emaline Brewer 1845–1913 M: John Walker 1839-1910
1~David Russell Walker 1868–1954
2~Stephen Amos Walker 1870–1958
3~Annie Edna Walker Holt 1873–1931
4~James Nathan Walker 1879–1956
5~George William Walker 1882–1920
6~Betsy Jane Walker Whitaker 1882–1973
4~Eliza Elvira Brewer 1852–1925 M: Wesley Francis Stone 1848-1911
1~Sarah Elizabeth Stone Brentlinger 1868–1949
2~Rhoda Ann Stone Fry 1872–1956
3~Louise E. Stone Irvine 1875–1964
4~Bertha Stone Alexander 1880–1935
5~Minnie Stone Rhoads 1885–1968
6~Burrel Frederick Stone 1888–1969
5~Pleasant Amos Brewer 1858–1950 M1: Nancy Emaline Loyd Henson 1861–1943 M2: Mary Ann Webb 1875–1964
1~Henry Emmitt Brewer 1878–1955 M1: Luviney Haynes Brewer 1880–1918 M2: 1919 Bessie Renfro Brewer 1898–1933
2~Mary Alice Brewer 1880–1975 M: Will Monk
3~Josephine Allene Ethel Brewer 1881-1953 M: 1909 Lanahan Heck Gigous1872-1959
4~Franklin Russell Brewer 1883–1919 M: 1907 Elizabeth Moore
5~Elizabeth Caroline Brewer 1885–1971M1: Samuel Monroe King 1885–1928M2: Floyd Gilbert Jordan 1875–1962
6~Isaac Edward Brewer 1889-1950 M: Maude Mattie Martin 1891-1960
6~George William Russell Brewer 1863–1924 M: Mary Elizabeth Loyd 1865-1930
1~Elizabeth Jane Brewer Murphy 1884–1963
2~James Russell Loyd Brewer 1887–1938 M: Minnie Lenora Gaskill 1886-1961
3~Clarence Eddy Brewer 1901–1921 Center Grove Cemetery, Westboro, Atchison County, Missouri
3~Rebecca Brewer 1825-1865 M: 1845 George W Presley 1822-1876
4~Louise Eliza Brewer 1828-1865 M: Jordon Edmonds 1826-1897
1~Melinda Emaline Edmonds M: Fields 1849–1928
2~John Richard Edmonds 1851–1942
3~Thomas Leander Edmons 1855–1929
4~William B. Edmonds 1858–1932
5~Pleasant Anderson Edmonds 1861–1950
5~Lucinda Brewer 1829-1866 M: Alfred Rush 1810-1895
6~Samuel Brewer 1830-
7~John Jackson Brewer 1831-1920 M1: 1855 Sarah Fields 1837–1870 M2: Annie Moles 1854–1928
1~Mary E. Brewer Warner 1858–1886
2~Julie Ann Brewer Simmons 1861-
3~William Russell Brewer 1864–1960
4~Pleasant Isaac Brewer 1867–1892
5~Zilpha Clementine Brewer Hale 1870–1946 Photo Leonia Margaret Brewer Shaver 1890–1972
8~Francis D Brewer 1834-1913
1~Elizabeth Josephine Brewer Thomas 1866–1938
2~John Douglas Brewer 1872–1954
3~Charlie Thomas Brewer 1874–1957
9~Nancy Ann Brewer 1836-1912 M: John Quinten Sweat 1841-1878
1~Berton Sweat 1872–1909
10~Margaret Elizabeth Brewer 1838-1870 M: Dapney Sweat 1854-1925
1~Elizabeth Sweat 1855–1894
2~Polly Sweat 1862–1898
3~Susan A. Sweat 1868–1916
11~Fannie Brewer 1841-
12~Daniel Brewer 1842-
13~Rev William Benjamin Brewer 1844-1920 M: Rebecca Jane Webb 1845-1936
1~Sarah Ann Brewer Miller 1866–1964
2~Flora Elizabeth Brewer Shrum 1869–1934
3~Eliza Emaline Brewer Evans 1873–1896
4~William Lloyd Brewer 1875–1960
5~Rebecca Jane Brewer Burgess 1877–1966
6~Eli Brewer 1880–1905
7~John Benton Brewer 1882–1951
8~Gertrude Brewer Wical 1890–1980
John Jackson Brewer, Pleasant Burton Brewer & William Benjamin Brewer
14~Sarah A Brewer 1845 M: 1863 John Charles Pluthero 1842-1882
15~Pleasant Burton Brewer 1847-1927 M: 1868 Minerva Catherine Akins 1853-1936
1~Sarah F Brewer 1867-
2~James M G Brewer 1869-
3~William Lafette Brewer 1871–1953
4~Pleasant Martin Brewer 1873–1945
5~Ephram Posey Brewer 1876–1964
6~John Bambridge Brewer 1879–1963
7~Louis Montgomery Brewer 1882–1931
8~Samuel Harrison Brewer 1889–1969
9~Sarah Belle Brewer 1891–1969
10~Mattie Elizabeth Brewer 1897–1925
5~Ann Brewer 1753-1824 M: 1772 Joseph Moon 1749-
6~James Brewer 1755-
7~Orville Brewer 1757-
8~Polly Brewer 1759- M: ~Pope
9~Henry Brewer 1760-1837 M: 1784 Sarah Hawk 1763-1837. Henry Brewer, enlisted in 10th North Carolina Regiment (Continental Line) under Captain James Wilson, in 1777. Colonel Abraham Shepard's Company and Colonel Clark's Company, North Carolina Regiments, and was discharged Aug 1781.
1~Morris Brewer 1792-1866
2~ Brewer 1809-1823
3~ Brewer 1813-1823
4~George Brewer 1815-1852
10~Isaac Brewer 1764-1852 Enlisted 1779 for the Revolutionary War
11~Simon Brewer 1775-
9~George Lanier Brewer II B: 1718 D: 1760 M: 03/04/1734 Abigail Wyche 1718-1760
1~James Brewer 1736-1816 M: Ann
1~Lewis Brewer B: 1783 NC D: 1870 M: Mary
1~Lewis Wiggins Brewer Jr. B: 1814 Stewart Co. VA D: 03/10/1885 M: Martha Ann Herrington
1~Winfield Scott Brewer B: 01/01/1848 TN D: 05/11/1930 M: Nancy Ann Collins
1~ Henry Harrison Brewer B: 03/10/1882 TN D: 01/09/1974 M: Allie Pafford
1~Ben R Brewer
2~John Brewer 1737-1826 M: Bethia Morris
3~William Brewer 1738- M: Mary~
4~Sarah Brewer 1740- M: 1760 ~Vincent
5~George Brewer III 1743-1802 M: Syntha
1~Rebecca Brewer
6~Henry Brewer 1746-
7~Abigail Brewer 1748-
10~Nicolas Brewer Sr 1720-1792 M: Sarah Lanier 1719-1782
1~Nicolas Brewer Jr 1749 VA 1820 NC M: 1769 Winifred Lanier 1740-1804
1~Jeremiah Brewer 1760-1860
1~Nathan Brewer 1800-1866
2~Silas Brewer 1800-1875
2~Randall Brewer B: 1774 NC D: 1843 M: 1807 Elizabeth Greene 1785-1855
1~Lydia Greene 1811-1902 M: 1830 Balaam Thompson Jr 1812-1901
1~Phebe Edna Thompson 1842-1915 M: Joseph T Runk 1832-1906
2~Randall II Brewer B: 1813 NC M: 1835 Mary McDaniel, Highland City, OH
1~Thomas Brewer B: 02/25/1843 Highland City, OH D: 08/1896 in Deer Creek, IN. M1: 12/21/1879 Eliza Chaney in Deer Creek, IN. M2: Hannah Presnall
1~Abel Archibald Brewer B: 07/11/1869 in Henry CO, IN D: 06/13/1947 in Sweetser, IN M: 01/02/1896 Mary Elizabeth Poe.
1~Wayne Edward Brewer B: 08/29/1904 in Sweetser, IN D: 08/27/1988 in New Port Richey, FL M:
1~Thomas Edward Brewer B: 06/03/1943 in Ft Wayne, IN D: M:
3~Mark Brewer 1777-
1~Wilson Brewer 1801-1883 M: 07/25/1827 Amy Martin B: D: 1860 d/o Adam & Rebecca Martin M2: 12/16/1860 Elizabeth Clark
1~Nicholas Adam Brewer 1831-1919 M: 01/01/1857 Scerabo Ann Furlow. 1837-1864 M2: 1865 Rosanna Artimissa Furlow 1842-1889 M3: 12/10/1896 Delilah Alabama Wilson 1857-1930.
A Confederate Army in Company K of Fagan's Brigade under General Hindman. Nick fought at Cane Hill. He was a member of the 37th Arkansas Infantry, CSA. He was in the Battle of Prairie Grove and the Battle of Helena, where he was captured on July 3, 1863. He was imprisoned in Illinois until the end of the war. Also with him in prison was his brother-in-law James Ferguson who died in 1864. After the war Nicholas returned home and found that his wife, Saroba Furlow had died. He then married his sister-in-law, the widow of James Ferguson, Rosanna Artimissa Furlow Ferguson who died July 1, 1889. His third marriage, in 1896, was to Delilah Alabama Wilson Waddell. He died at his home, in Goodrum Township, Lonoke County, where he had lived for over 60 years., Prairie Grove, was captured at Helena in 1863, and remained a prisoner of the Union Army for the duration of the war.
Delilah Alabama Brewer
1~Thomas W. Brewer 1858-1932 M: Jennie L. 1865-
1~Miriam I. Brewer 1903–1973 M: Fisher
2~John H."Jack" Brewer 1859-1936 M1: Virginia Caldwell M2: Mollie J. Hill 1861- M3: Theodocia E Sexton 1884-1954
3~Nicholas Brewer 1860-1863
4~David Brewer 1861-1863
5~James Thomas Ferguson 1863-1933 the child of Artimissa Furlow Ferguson
6~Florence Brewer 1866-1945
7~Saroba Ann Brewer 1868-1941 M: Emmett A Howell 1869-1939
8~Mary Brewer 1873-1941
9~Jefferson Jeremiah Brewer 1875-1963 M: 1900 Alice Mae Waddell 1882–1967
1~Vera Estelle Brewer Levy 1905–1980
2~Mae Lee Brewer Johnson 1913–1989
10~Joseph Oscar Brewer 1879-1918
11~Carl Sylvester Brewer 1897-1967 M: Emma Adele Johnson 1901–1997
12~Frank Brewer 1900-1902
2~John Adam Brewer 1833-1887 M: 04/02/1857 Martha E Bradford d/o James S Bradford and Mary Ann Cook. A Confederate who enlisted in 1861. He was wounded in the right hand and never recovered fully from his injury. He was a Master Mason, and a farmer by trade.
1~James W Brewer
2~Davis H Brewer 1860-1887
3~Francis N Brewer 1868-
4~John F. Brewer 1874-
3~David Daniel Brewer 1836-1911 M: 1864 Rosie Ann Lowery. He enlisted in the Confederate Army with Company C of the 42nd Infantry. M2: 1879 Mary Ann George, 1845-1910, widow of John James Whitehead 1839-1878.
1~Ellen Whitehead 1874-1903 M: John Wesley Evatt 1865-1949
2~John Whitehead 1870-
3~William Allen Whitehead 1876-1963 M1: Mary Luticia Morris 1883-1912 M2: Fannie Boling
4~George Washington Whitehead 1871-1951 M: Mildred Ellen West 1875-1932
5~Rosa Lillian Brewer 1880-1957 M: John Wesley Evatt 1865-1949
4~Drury Brewer 1779-1847 M: 1838 Aribellah Vincent 1780-1847
1~Alford Brewer
2~Sara (Brewer) Harper
3~Martha Hester (Brewer) Jones
4~Ethan Brewer
5~Delilah (Brewer) Patillo
6~Drury Brewer
7~Elisha Brewer
8~John Brewer
5~Isham Brewer 1782-1852 Ohio
6~Drewry Brewer 1785-1830 M:
1~Jeremiah Brewer 1812-1879
7~Vincent Brewer 1800-1830 M: Elizabeth Smith 1740-1800
2~Benjamin Brewer 1746-1830 M:
1~Thomas William Brewer 1807-1881
3~Thomas Jefferson Brewer Sr 1750-1820 Thomas Brewer Family Cemetery, Big Sandy, Benton County, TN M: 1800 Lydia Ann Wiggins 1761-1825
1~Benjamin Brewer 1776-1847 M: Alydia Noland
2~Edmond Brewer 1785-
3~Thomas Jefferson Brewer Jr 1790-1840 M: 1814 Mary Ralls 1791-1847. Thomas Brewer enlisted in the U S Army at the age of 17 for the war of 1812. For his service he recieved a federal land grant of 80 acres in Ray County. Missouri, 12/05/1833.
1~Benjamin Harvey Edward 1822-1898 M: Lucy Paralee Edmondson 1826-1904
2~Sarah Brewer 1820-1904 M: 1838 John H Harrod1815-1871
3~Lydia Brewer 1828- M: 1848 Andrew J Connor 1818-1881
4~Edward Rawleigh Brewer 1830-1904 M: 1850 Minerva Dale 1835- M2: Frances Ann Lock 1840-1909
1~Molly A Brewer 1856-1938 M: Rhodes
2~George Thomas Brewer 1858-1931 M: Annie Elizabeth Renfro 1863-1928
3~William Edward Brewer 1863-1950 TX M:
1~George Washington Brewer 1885-1924 TX
2~Bejamin Rollie Brewer 1890-1976 CA
4~Pinkney Payton "Pink" Brewer 1866–1951
5~Henry Lee Brewer 1869–1947
6~Lillian Jane Brewer Renfro 1872–1936 TX M: 1890 George Jefferson Renfro1861-1951 TX
1~Thomas Neal Renfro 1916-1991 TX
7~John Hampton Brewer 1875–1939
8~James David Brewer 1878–1951
9~Minnie Frances Brewer 1881–1881
10~Matthew Monroe Brewer 1882–1959
5~Jane Day Brewer 1834-1909 M: Andrew J. Day 1823-1856 M2: 1957 Dr. William Jones 1824-1900
4~Lydia Brewer 1792- TN
11~John Isaac Brewer 1724-1780 M: Mary Amey Meredith 1734-
1~John Isaac Brewer 1742-1835
1~Arthur Brewer 1770-1865 GA
2~Sarah Brewer 1775-
3~Charlotte Brewer 1778-
4~Ranson/Ramson Brewer 1780-
5~Henry Brewer
6~James Brewer
7~Mary Brewer
8~Neilly Brewer
9~Robert Brewer
2~Reace Brewer 1744-
3~Jacob Brewer 1746-
4~Jesse Brewer 1748-
5~Pacience Brewer 1750-
6~Elizabeth Brewer 1752-
7~Ann Brewer 1754-
8~Frances Brewer 1756-
9~Hardy Brewer 1758-
10~Henry Brewer 1759-
11~George Brewer 1760-1830 M: Hannah Thompson
1~Olivia Brewer 1799-1835M: 1815 Thomas Billington Taylor 1778-1858
1~Nehemiah Harvey Taylor 1827-1877
12~John Brewer 1767-1803 M: 1787 Mary Polly Mitchell 1768-
1~Anne Reid Nancy Brewer 1802-1826 M: 07/29/1819, GA, to David Lane Kendall 1790-1860.
1~Susan M. Kendall 1824-1878
12~John Lanier Brewer 1724-1795 M: Joanna
1~Lanier Brewer 1746-1824 M: Rebecca Narcises
1~John Brewer 1770-
2~George Brewer 1775-
3~Henry M Brewer 1780-1855
4~Wiley Brewer 1785-1886
5~Solomon Brewer 1786-1855
6~Julius Brewer 1794
2~Drury Brewer 1750-
13~Burwell/Burrell Bledsoe Brewer Sr 1730-1799 M: 1750 Elizabeth Patrick 1732-1800 d/o Paul Patrick & Agnes Milliken. Burrell's land was on Naked Creek, William's on Big Sandy Creek and George's on the south side of the Yadkin River. In 1784 the Burrell Brewers, his Patrick in-laws, and George Brewer went to Georgia, settling on Long Creek, then in Wilkes Co., but now in Oglethorpe County. The family scattered to surrounding counties. These people were Whigs, of the useful kind, who were generally on the warpath throughout the revolutionary struggle. Their time was given to their country, their property neglected; and, like many others, after the peace was proclaimed they felt the necessity of commencing life anew, in 1784, they transferred themselves to middle Georgia. They settled on Long Creek, then in Wilkes County, now in Oglethorpe County, near the present town of Lexington.
1~John Brewer 1752-
2~Lt. William Brewer 1758-1818 M1: Elizabeth Holman M2: Sarah Doggett
1~William Brewer 1785-1858 M: Anna Clark Bates 1795-1872
3~Agness Brewer 1776-1869 M: 1802 George Washington Paschal 1762-1832
4~Nancy Brewer 1780-1850 M: 1800 George Brittain Jr 1774-1830
5~Elizabeth Brewer 1788-1840 M: 1804 John Paschal 1782-1840
6~James Brewer 1790-1819 M:
1~Burrell Brewer
2~William P Brewer 1816-
7~Burwell/Burrell Bledsoe Brewer II. M: Elizabeth Gilly Brewer, d/o George B Brewer & Nancy Bird, great granddaughter of George G. Brewer of Virginia and his first wife Sarah Lanier. Soldier in the War of 1812. His life ended in a duel in Louisiana.
1~George M Brewer B: 1820 Saint Stephens, Washington County, Al D: 1888 Magnolia Cemetery, Mobile, AL M:
Saint Stephens Courthouse, Washington County, Al
St. Stephens was the eastern most city of the Mississippi Territory and a very important site during the settlement of the southwestern frontier. During a brief three decades beginning in the 1790’s, St. Stephens became a Spanish Fort, an American trading post, and Mississippi territorial capital as settlers streamed down the Federal Road from the Carolinas and Georgia. At its height, c. 1820, the town boasted between two and three thousand residents and 450 substantial buildings. Upon Mississippi gaining statehood in 1817, Alabama became its own territory and St. Stephens its capital. Alabama’s first Governor, William Wyatt Bibb, presided over the first meeting of the Territorial Legislature at the Douglass Hotel on St. Stephens’ High Street. From here was the beginning of Alabama. St. Stephens declined rapidly to a ghost town after the capital was moved away in 1819.
1~Georgianna E Brewer 1853–1933
2~Julia Henriette Brewer Taylor 1864–1954 M: Thomas Alexander Taylor 1860-1918
1~Thomas Alexander Taylor II 1892-1965 M: Mary Helen McKee 1892-1979
1~ Thomas Alexander Taylor III 1930-2020
8~Patrick Brewer 1752-1759
9~Adelia Brewer 1756-1768 M
10~Sarah Brewer 1759-1807 M: Rev Francis Callaway Jr 1753-
11~Rebecca Brewer 1768-1768
12~Susan Brewer M1: Alex Bolling M2: Henry Bollings (Alex's brother)
14~Joseph Brewer 1731-1732
15~Boyce Brewer 1733-1744
16~Done Brewer 1734-
Greenup, Cumberland, IL
Hay Castle-on-Wye
The castle was built by Thomas Robert Hay, 11th Earl of Kinnoull, in 1827 to replace its draughty and uncomfortable predecessor which had fallen victim to a fire.
Clifford Castle
A castle in the village of Clifford which lies four miles to the north of Hay-on-Wye in the Wye Valley in Herefordshire.
Weoley Castle, Herefordshire
Hopton Castle, Shropshire, England
Afallach to Rhaglan, Raglan to Ragland ~ The Wales Family History
Maj. Gen. John Ragland of Wales: Rhaglan/Raglan) 1687-1750 and Anne Ragland. From Wales to England to Virginia.
An Englishman’s home is his castle, then William Herbert’s Raglan is the Welshman’s equivalent.
Raglan was begun in the 1430s, rather late in the day for castle building, but this is a large and truly impressive ruin of a castle. Built for show rather than with battle in mind, it still held off parliamentarian forces for thirteen weeks in one of the last sieges of the Civil War. The castle was eventually taken and was systematically destroyed by parliament.
The ruins are extensive- once through the gatehouse you will find the moat, protecting the Great Tower which is also surrounded by a defensive wall. There are steps up to the Great Tower, they are quite wide & Passable by castle standards, but the tower is very high, and there are many small doorways leading to secret rooms and some dark and spooky cellars waiting to be explored. The pitched stone court has some amazing Tudor window frames, and the gallery still has the carving of two figures, situated high on the wall.
1~Euddolen ab Afallach "Oudoleum ap Avallach / Enddolen" B: -35 Siluria, Wales (Brother of Owain ab Afallach)
1~Endos ap Enddolen B: 5 Siluria, Wales D: 54
1~Eneid ap Eudos and Brenin Powys B: 25 D: 83
1~Endeyrn ab Eneid B: 60 Powys, Wales, United Kingdom D: 154Somme, Picardy, France (Brother of Kyndern ap Eifydd)
1~Endigant ap Endeyrn B: 90 D: 184 Montgomery, Radnorshire, Wales (Father of Rhydeyrn ap Endigant and Deheuwant ap Euddigan)
1~Deheuwant ap Euddigan B: 125 D:
1~Rydeyrn ap Deheuwant B: 155 D:
1~Gwrtheyrn ap Rydeyrn B: 185 D:
1~Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn B: 220 D:
1~Rhuddfedd Frych ap Caderyn, King of Powys B: 250 Powys, Wales D: 300
1~Gloyw Gwallt Hir ap Rhuddfedd
2~Brydw ap Rhuddfedd Frych B: 285 D: (Brother of Gloyw Gwallt Hir ap Rhuddfedd)
1~Pasgen ap Brydw B: 315
1~Cadeyrn ap Pasgen B: 350
1~Cadell Ddyrnllwg (Gleaming-Hilt) ap Cadeyrn B: 380 Powys, Wales D: Kits Coyty House, Aylesford, Kent, England
1~ Teged ap Cadell Ddrynllwg
2~Brydw ap Cadell
3~Cyngen ap Cadell Ddrynllwg
4~Pasgen ap Cadell Ddrynllwg B: 410
1~Maun ap Pasgen B: 440 D: Annan ferch Brydw B: 455 D: , d/o Brydw ap Gwrtheyrn, Brenin Maelienydd Elfael (Brydw was one of the sons of Vortigern, the great usurper of the British High-Kingdom. He is chiefly known for his appearance amongst the names inscribed on the 'Pillar of Eliseg': a 9th century memorial which still stands near Valle Crucis Abbey in Powys).
1~Cyngen Glodrydd ap Maun, King of Powys B: 474 Powys, Wales D: 547 M: Tudglid verch Brychan, Saint of Scotland.
1~Brochfael Ysgythrog ap Cyngen, Brenin Powys B: 515 Powys, Wales D: M: Arddyn the Wing Headed verch Pabo, of the Pennines B: 510 Pennines, Britain D: , d/o Pabo Post Prydyn "Pillar of Britain" ap Athrwys, King Of The Pennines and Cywair of Ireland. (Father of Cynan Garwyn ap Brochfael, Brenin Powys; Tysilio Ap Brochfael, Saint; Enghenel . verch Brochfael, Saint; Mawn ap Brochfael and Iago ap Brochfael).
1~Cynan Garwyn ap Brochfael, Brenin Powys B: 544 Powys Wales D: 610 Powys, Wales M: Gwynwenwen ingen Domangart, o Dál Riata. Father of Tandreg Ddu verch Cynan Garwyn; Selyf Sarffgadau ap Cynan, Brenin Powys; St. Beuno ap Cynan Garwyn, of Clynnog; Cadell ap Cynan Garwyn; Eiludd ap Cynan; and Dinogan ap Cynan.
1~Cadell ap Cynan Garwyn B: 580 D:
1~Gwynfyw Frych ap Cadell B: 615 Powys, Wales D:
1~Gwynnan ap Gwnfyw Frych B: 650 D:
1~Bywyn ap Byordderch B: 705 D:
1~Gwaeddgar ap BywynB: 755 D:
1~Gwrgeneu ap Gwaeddgar B: 790 D:
1~Cadfarch ap Gwrgeneu B: 830
1~Ynyr ap Cadfarch B: 870 D: 949 Wales M: Rheingar verch Lluddoccaf B: 880 D:
1~Tudor Trevor ap Ynyr, Lord of the March B: 900 Denbighshire, Wales D: 948 M: Angharad verch Hywel Dda B: 915 D: 944 France, d/o Hywel Dda ap Cadell, King of the Britons and Elen verch Llywarch.
1~Dingad ap Tudur Trefor, arglwydd of Maelor Gymraeg B: 930 Denbighshire, Wales D: M: Cecily verch Seferws.
1~Rhiwallon ap Dyngad of Maelor Gymraeg B: 965 Denbighshire, Wales D: M:
1~Caradog ap Rhiwallon B: 1000 D:
1~Breichiol ap Caradog B: 1030 D:
1~Pwyll/Pyll ap Breichiol B: 1060 D:
1~Meurig ap Pyll of Penrhos B: 1095
1~Caradog ap Meurig of Penrhos B: 1125
1~Iorwerth ap Caradog B: 1160
1~Adam ab Iorwerth, of Gwent B: 1190 D: 1246 M:
1~Nicholas ap Adam 1214 Beachley, Tidenham, Gloucestershire, England-1249
2~Adam de Cameis 1215 Beachley, Tidenham, Gloucestershire, England D:
3~Philip Ap Adam 1216 Grosmont, Monmouthshire, Wales D: 1278 M: 1245 Catrin Adams
1~Thomas ap Philip
4~John ap Adam 1220 Grosmont, Monmouthshire, Wales D:
1~Robert ap Adam Keere 1270-
5~Gruffudd Adam of Gwent B: 1230 Beachley, Tidenham, Gloucestershire, England D:
6~Meurig Adam of Gwent B: 1230 Beachley, Tidenham, Gloucestershire, England D:
7~Cynhaethwy ab Adam Gwent B: 1225 Beachley, Tidenham, Gloucestershire, England D: 1270
1~Adam ap Cynhaethwy B: 1255 Hertfordshire, England D: 1307 Wernddu, Monmouthshire, Wales M: Cristin verch Gwarin Ddu
Powys/Powis Castle
Powis castle was built by a Welsh prince in the thirteenth century. Following the end of the Welsh Wars (1282) and for his loyalty to Edward I, the King permitted Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn to begin building Powis Castle circa 1283.
1~Jenkin ab Adam, Lord of Wern Ddu B: 1290 Wernddu, Monmouthshire, England D: 1344 Wernddu, Monmouthshire, England M: Lowry verch Philip 1302-1400, d/o Philip ab Adam Fychan and N.N. verch Adam Fychan.
1~Gwilym ap Jenkin, Master Sergeant of Abergavenny B: 1327 Of Wernddu, Monmouthshire, England D: 1377 Perth Hir, Monmouthshire, England. M: Gwenllian verch Hywel Fychan. One of the early ancestors, Gwilym ap Jenkin (1327-1377) was the only child of "Jenkin the Apple Tree", a clerk to the Lord of Abergavenny at Llanvapley. Gwilym married the daughter and heir of Vychan ap Howel, a descendant of the early Welsh kings of Monmouth and Glamorgan. Upon Vychan's death, Gwilym inherited his title and property as Lord of Cerf-Y-Ddwy-Gwlyd, his coat of arms and his family name, Herbert.
1~Sir Thomas ap Gwilym, Kt. B: 1362 Cymru, Perth Hir, Wales D: 1438 Cymru, Monmouthshire, Perthir,Wales, buried at Llansantffread, Breconshire, Wales M: Mawd Morley 1380-1438 Ragland Castle, Ragland, Monmounthshire, Wales.
1~Ieuan ap Thomas B: 1385 Ragland Castle, Monmouthshire, England D: 1416 Rockfield, Gwent, Perthyre M: Margred verch Gwilym B: 1403 V D:
1~Robert Raglan (ab Ieuan) B: 1409 Perthyre Manor, Glamorgan, Wales D: 1468 Knowles Place Glamorgan, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales M: Joan Clerke B: 1409 Knoyles Place, Glamorgan, , Wales D: 1480 Glamorgan, , Wales d/o William 'Wilcock Lewrch' Clerke (Clerk).
1~Lewys Raglan B: 1433 Lynsworney, Glamorgan, Llys-Y-Fronydd, Wales D: 1526 Lynsworney, Glamorgan, Llys-Y-Fronydd, Wales. M1: Bonville, of Llyswyrny M2: Margred verch Llewelyn Goch
1~Robert Ragland B: 1485 Llysyfronydd, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales D: 1565 Llysyfronydd, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales M: Alice Matthew B: 1464 Castelle-y-Mynach, Glamorgan, Wales D: Llys Y, Glamorgan, Wales.
1~Sir Thomas Raglan, Kt. B: 1506 Lysworney, Llys-y-Fronydd, Glamorgan, Wales D: 1565 Lysworney, Llys-y-Fronydd, Glamorgan, Wales M: Mary Carne
1~Sir John Ragland B: 1545 Llys-y-Fronydd, Glamorgan, Wales D: 1605 St. Decumans, Somerset, England M: Alice Kingson 1543 St. Decuman's Parish, Somerset, England D: 1640 St. Decuman's Parish, Somerset, England. Father of Thomas Ragland, Sr.; John 'the Elder' Ragland; William Ragland and Joan Raglan. William, Earl of Huntingdon left no male heirs. That is why his daughter Elizabeth passed Raglan Castle to the Somersets. However, Robert ap Jevan's line continued, and his great-grandson Sir John Ragland, Knight, (Ragland John,1570, son of Sir Thomas Ragland, Knight," mentioned in the Cardiff records, is again mentioned 1596 in the Cardiff records when his daughter Joan married Thomas, son of William Bawdrippe
1~Thomas Ragland, Sr 1575 St. Decuman's Parish, Somerset, Wales D: 1648 St. Decuman's Parish, Somerset, Wales.
1~Sir Thomas R Ragland, Jr. B: 1627 Stogumber Parish, Somerset, Cornwall, Wales D: 1684 M: Joan Morgan 1630-1728 St. Decuman's Parish, Somerset, Wales.
1~Evan Ragland, Sr B: 03/31/1656 St. Decumans Parish, Somerset, England D: 05/30/1717 Saint Peters Church, New Kent County, Virginia. M: Susanna Pettus B: 1656 Saint Peters Church, New Kent County, Virginia D: 1717 Saint Peters Church, New Kent County, Virginia.
1~Catherine Ragland Davis
2~Evan Ragland 1683-1738
3~Thomas Ragland 1685-1719
4~Maj. Gen. John Ragland B: 1687 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia Colony D: 1750 Hanover County, Province of Virginia.
1~Susannah Ragland 1710-1738 M: William Brewer 1706-1799
5~Stephen Ragland
6~Judith Ragland Maynard
2~John Ragland 1657-
3~Thomas Ragland 1661-1685
4~Richard Ragland 1664-1711
5~Jane Ragland 1665-
6~Elizabeth Ragland 1667- M: John Tuck
2~Richard Ragland 1633-1688 St. Decuman's Parrish, Somerset, Wales
2~John 'the Elder' Ragland B: 1579 St. Decuman's Parish, Somerset, Wales D: 1650
3~William Ragland B: 1569
4~Joan Raglan B: 1572 D: 1605 St. Decuman's Parish, Somerset, Wales.
Briant Brewer 1831-1912
Georgia Ann Cone Brewer
PO BOX 1909