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PO BOX 1909
Otto Ancel Ulmer 1901–1988 marries Johnnie Abitha Rimes
Heinrich Von Ulm B: 1390 Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1430apx M: Countess Anna von Castein 1401-1432, d/o Leonhard Von Castell I, 1379-1426 and Anna von Hohenlohe-Speckfeld 1369-, (children: Elisabeth von Ulm-Roggwyl and Heinrich von Ulm). 1409 Bürgermeister. Von König Sigismund zum Ritter geschlagen (1409 mayor. Knighted by King Sigismund).
Heinrich Von Ulm B: 1420 Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1480 M: 1445 Elsbeth/Elisabeth Mangold/Mangolt B: 1425 D: , d/o Konrad Sebastian Mangold and Amalia von Rorschach.
1~Hans/Johann von Ulm, zu Griesenberg B: 1470 Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1520apx M: Margaretha Hundbiss von Siggen B: 1480. Lord of Griesenberg.
1~Luitfried von Ulm B:1500 D: 1509 M: Anna Elgin B: 1500
1~Johann Kaspar von Ulm B: D: 1553 M: Veronika Von Landenberg-Greifensee
1~Johann Kaspar von Ulm Herr zu Marbach und Wangen B: D: 1610 M: Dorothea von Hoheneck
1~Johann (Hans) Ludwig Freiherr von Ulm zu Marbach und Wangen 1567-1627 M: Euphrosyna Schad von Mittelbiberach B: D:
1~Gallus Freiherr von Ulm, zu Sulmentingen und Bach
2~Paul Mathias Freiherr von Ulm
3~Veronica Speth von Zwiefalten
2~Heinrich Von Ulm B: 1500 Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1546 M: Elisabeth von Kippenheim B: 1480 Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France D: 10/8/1541 Plobsheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France.
1~Maria Petronella von Ulm B: 1485 Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland D: 1562 M: 1520 Lord Joachim Mötteli von Rappenstein of Pfyn and Wellenberg B: 1480 Untereggen, St. Gallen, Schweiz D: 03/04/1549. In 1526 he acquired from his brother Beat Rudolf the remaining part of the lordship of Pfyn and Dettighofen. In 1530 the two acquired the rights of collation and the estate of the parish church ( Widumhof) of Weinfelden. In 1450 the von Mötteli or von Rappenstein family from around St. Gallen acquired Neuburg Castle and its surroundings including the castle. They had taken the Rappenstein name after their castle near St. Gallen. When they moved to Graubünden, that name was applied to this castle as well. By the late 15th century, Rappenstein had been abandoned. In 1496, when the von Rappensteins sold Neuburg to the Bishop of Chur, Rappenstein Castle was not mentioned but its land was included in the sale. Rich important landlord in Thurgau, very violent. Wasted his fortune, had to sell a lot of land from 1536, eventually moved to his brothers on Castle Sulzberg. Most of his goods were bought by his brother-in-law Gregor von Ulm. The present-day Möttelischloss was formerly called Sulzberg.
Litt unter gewaltätiger Ehe, alle Kinder starben kurz nach der Geburt, erst 1548 wurde ihr erlaubt sich von dem Mann zu trennen (Suffered from a violent marriage, all children died shortly after birth, and it was not until 1548 that she was allowed to separate from her husband). The Mötteli family did not own Castle Rappenstein, as it was destroyed by the Appenzellers in 1405; the Möttelis acquired the castle estate and its ruins around 1420.
1~N Mottell vom Rappenstein 1520-1520
Neuburg Castle, Untervaz, Switzerland
Ruins of Sulzberg Castle
This is where the Möttelin had their family tomb, as this rich family had made rich donations to the church. The coat of arms is carved in stone next to the tower.
2~Gregor von Ulm 1741-
3~Gregor von Ulm 1522-1607 M: Anna Geldrich von Sigmarshoffen
1~Jean / Johannes von Ulm
4~Heinrich Von Ulm B: D: 1546 M: 1537 Barbara Blarer von Giersberg B: D: 1562, d/o Augustin Blarer von Giersberg and Katharina Mässlin von Graneck B: D:
1~Margarethe von Ulm B: 1537 D: M: 01/22/1560 Casper Ebertz B: 1509 Isny im Allgäu, Wangen, Württemberg, Germany D: 1579. His occupation is listed as bürgermeister
1~Catharina Ebertz 1560-1561
2~Peter Ebertz 1563-1567
3~Barbara Von Eberz 1563-
4~Anna Ebertz 1566-1581
5~Rosina Ebertz 1568-1569
6~Heinrich Von Eberz 1569-1635 M: Katharina Kuchel 1572-1597
1~Margaretha von Ebertz 1597-1645
7~Hans Philipp von Ebertz B: 1570 Ulm, Baden-Württemberg D: 1618 Isny im Allgau M: 1601 Martha Furtenbach 1577-1629
8~Katharina Ebertz 1571-1597
9~Magdalena Ebertz 1573-1597
Casper Ebertz was married first in 1539 to Apolloinia Teschler
10~Samuel Ebertz 1540–1594
11~Rosina Ebertz 1544–1551
12~Katharina Ebertz 1547–1551
13~Caspar Ebertz 1550–1598
2~Heinrich Von Ulm B: 1537-1601 M: 1576 Margareta Escher vom Luchs B: 1559 D:
1~Katharina von Ulm B: 1577apx D: M: Teufen
2~Heinrich Von Ulm B: D: 1681
1~Heinrich Von Ulm B: D: M: Rebecca Mohr B: 1680 Germany
1~Baron Hendrick Philip Von Ulm I B: 1700 Ulm, Germany 1755 SC. M1: Telle Baumgarden 1708 Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1743 SC. M2: Ann Guerry Gates B: 1708 England D: 1755 SC. Philip was a member of the Jewish royalty in Germany. He was eventually granted a a providence in the Jewish sector of Germany and it was then named "Ulm" in honor of his family, the Von Ulms.
1~Phillip Ulmer 1739 – 1806
2~Johann Ulmer 1756-1794
3~Joannis Philippi Ullmer B: 1640 Schriesheim, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany D: 1730 M: Anna Elisabetha Jungmann 1637 Leutershausen, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany D: 1721 Leutershausen, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany
1~ Heinrich Von Ulm B: D: M: Rebecca Mohr B: 1680 Germany
2~Johann Adam Ullmer B: 05/05/1668 Ursenbach, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 08/04/1754 Ursenbach, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany M: Maria Elisabetha Ilgin B: 1680 Ursenbach, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1731 Leutershausen, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
1~Johann Philipp Ullmer 1701-1736 M: Eva Catharina Bockin 1699-1775
2~Johann Heinrich "Henry" Ulmer 1714–1760 M: 1740 Christina Riehl 1719-1785
1~Johann Philip Ulmer Sr 1741–1806
2~Johann Adam Ulmer 1743–1799
Ulm, Germany, 1572, by Frans Hogenberg
With the establishment of new trade routes following the discovery of the New World (16th century) and the outbreak and consequences of the Thirty Years' War (1618–48), the city began to decline gradually. Around 1700, it was alternately invaded several times by French and Bavarian soldiers.In the wars following the French Revolution, the city was alternately occupied by French and Austrian forces, with the former ones destroying the city fortifications. In 1803, it lost the status of Imperial City and was absorbed into Bavaria. During the campaign of 1805, Napoleon managed to trap the invading Austrian army of General Mack and forced it to surrender in the Battle of Ulm. In 1810, Ulm was incorporated into the Kingdom of Württemberg and lost its districts on the other bank of the Danube, which came to be known as Neu-Ulm.
Ulm Cathedral 1842
The spectacular Ulm Minster, now which is a Lutheran church located in Ulm, Germany. Although sometimes referred to as Ulm Cathedral because of its great size, the church is not a cathedral as it has never been the seat of a bishop. Ulm Minster was begun in the Gothic era but not completed until the late 19th century. It is the tallest church in the world, and the 4th tallest structure built before the 20th century.
1~Baron Hendrick Philip Von Ulm I B: 1700 Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1755 Rose Hill Plantation, Beaufort SC. M1: Telle Baumgarden 1708 Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1743 SC. M2: Ann Guerry Gates B: 1708 England D: 1755 SC. Philip was a member of the Jewish royalty in Germany. He was eventually granted a a providence in the Jewish sector of Germany and it was then named "Ulm" in honor of his family, the Von Ulms.
1~Heinrich Phillip von Ulmer 1739 Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1806 Coldbrook Plantation, Effingham County, GA M1: 1773 Ann Elizabeth Howard 1752-1815 M2: Elizabeth~ 1775-1806
1~Eliza Ulmer 1770-1833
2~William Ulmer 1775-1808
3~Charles Ulmer 1779-1841 M: 1824 Mary Eliza Davis 1785-1854
1~Ann Suzannah Ulmer 1828-1880 M: Hedleston
2~Goerge Charles Ulmer 1833-1887 M:L 1854 Sabra E Harris 1837-1903
4~Johann Heinrich Philip Ulmer III 1783-1856 Coldbrook Plantation, Monteith, Chatham County, GA. M: 1806 Sarah Jane Brantley B: 1792 D: 1826 M2: Eliza Fox 1802-1882
01~William P Ulmer 1808–1857
02~Eliza Ann Ulmer 1809–1818
03~Charles David Ulmer 1810–1869 Coldbrook Plantation Monteith, GA. M: Susan Dailey 1821–1898.
1~Mary Elizabeth Ulmer 1852–1938 North Salem Baptist Church Cemetery Port Wentworth, Chatham County, GA M: William Hobart Ulmer 1845–1918
2~Susan Ann Ulmer 1858–1920 M: John Isreal Hinely Jr 1850-1936
3~David Hamilton Ulmer 1863–1950 M: Victoria Rebecca Nease 1858-1942
04~Joseph Thomas Ulmer 1814–1891 M: Amanda Jane Prescott 1828–1886
1~William Hobart Ulmer 1845–1918 M: Mary Elizabeth Ulmer 1852–1938, d/o Charles David Ulmer. Civil War veteran and was a member of Salem Church.
1~Charles Rippion Ulmer 1874-1943
2~Marion Levant Ulmer 1877-1930 M: Fannie Ulmer
3~Essie Elizabeth Ulmer 1882-1922M: Frank Melvin
4~Thomas Joseph Ulmer 1884-1931 M: Rosabell Zittrauer Ulmer 1874-1904
5~Mary Etta Ulmer 1889-1972 M: David Andrew Chapman 1880- 1937.
6~Philip Herbert Ulmer 1896–1930 M: Nora Lucille Helmly Ulmer Hiott 1898–1967.
2~Charles Andrew Ulmer 1850-1916 M: Wilmina L. Ulmer
1~Andrew Ulmer
2~Anderson Glasco Ulmer 1882-1948
3~John Franklin Ulmer 1858-1919 Laurel Grove Cemetery (North) Savannah, Chatham County, GA. M1: Mattie McFarland 1867–1912 M2: Emma Veronica Helmly Beck 1866-1938
1~Harry Clifford Ulmer 1883-1884
2~Annie Lee Ulmer 1894-1894
4~Susan Elizabeth Ulmer 1864-1940 M: Edward Baker Thompson 1857-1936
5~George Marion Ulmer 1870-1935 M: Cornelia Burch Nease 1877- 1955
1~Arline Ulmer 1897-1983 M1: 1916 Robert Donnelly Treanor
1894-1953 M2: William Hubert Sammons 1897-1976
1~Marilyn Treanor Oliver 1918-2012
2~Leonora R Ulmer 1898-1909
3~George Alwyn Ulmer 1900-1959 GA M: Elma Elizabeth Abbott 1904-1966
1~George Alwyn Ulmer Jr 1922-1988
2~Pauline Elizabeth "Poppy" Ulmer Evans 1926-2011
3~Mildred Isabel Ulmer Williams 1928-2024
4~William Asbury Ulmer 1903-1962 M1: Mattie Marie Rivers 1910-1933 M2: Louise Holland Ulmer 1910-2000
1~William Asbury Ulmer Jr 1929-2011
5~Dessie B Ulmer 1905-1905
6~Rev Vernon Morse Ulmer 1906-1979 M: Bertha Mae Hinely 1912-2000
1~Vernon Marion Ulmer 1933-2008
2~Avis Marie Ulmer Lanier 1935-2021
3~Kathleen Ulmer Purvis 1938-2004
4~Doris Loree Ulmer 1943-1943
5~Larry Alvin Ulmer 1943-2017
7~Charles Wahl Ulmer 1908-1974 M: Alma L Jones 1912-1987
8~Eugene Burnette Ulmer 1915-2008 M: Annie Irving Martin 1917-2013
05~John Park Ulmer 1817-1856 M: Mary Catherine Wisenbaker 1825-1885.
1~Francis Marion Ulmer 1844-1846
2~Joseph Thadeus Ulmer 1844-1904
3~James Madison Ulmer 1845-1931
4~Malcolm Christian Ulmer 1847-1916 M1:1869 Laura Amanda Keller Ulmer 1849–1925 M2: Adaline Rosamond Dasher 1848–1888.
5~Alexander Campbell Ulmer 1850–1893 below M: Adarene Keller 1850-1915
1~Edith Ruby Ulmer 1881–1965 M: James Nottingham Carter 1877–1934
6~Mary Floyd Ulmer 1853–1918 M:Henry Michael Young 1850–1914
1~Campbell Ulmer 1876–1947 M: Eugenia T Young 1876-1974
1~Eugenia Young 1903–1967
2~Campbell Ulmer Young 1913–1998
2~Bessie Young 1878–1961 M: Henry L. Boone 1853-1937
7~John Park Ulmer 1856–1857
06~George W Ulmer 1821-
07~James Oscar Ulmer 1832-1871 M: Jane Dugger
08~Dr. Benjamin Franklin Ulmer 1836-1891 M: Catherine Ann Stevenson 1843–1891
09~Mary Virginia Ulmer 1838-1857 M1: Eliza Mulryne Fox. M2: Charles Desverger Mary died in childbirth and is buried with her child.
10~Noah Meyers Ulmer 1841–1901 M: 1870 Jane Lawson 1838-
2~Johann Adam Ulmer "RS" 1756 Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1799 SC M: Margaret Ann LeGrand 1745-1787
1~Obedience Ulmer 1764-1811 M: Jesse Tyge Carter Sr 1738-1811
1~Stephen E. Carter 1171-1870 M: Phemie Fender 1790-1850
2~William Carter Sr. 1785-1864 M: Margaret Copeland 1795-1855
3~Jesse Tyge Carter Jr. 1790-1858 M: 1829 Elizabeth Warren 1790-185
2~Henry Enoch Ulmer B: 11/15/1771 SC D: 07/08/1833 Salkehatchie, SC M: 1789 Mary Margaret Langley Ulmer 1774–1839
1~Lucy Ann Ulmer 1793-1872 M: Richard J Bryan 1789-1871
2~Adam Ulmer 1795–1839 M: 12/28/1820 Rebecca Ann McTeer 1805–1873, d/o John McTeer & Ann Barrie.
1~Henry David Ulmer 1821–1896 M: Anna Elizabeth Youmans Ulmer 1836– 1892
1~Tullious Edward Ulmer 1855–1936 M1: Annie Elizabeth Terry Ulmer 1862–1906 M2: Bessie Mixson Deer 1885–1960
1~Edwin Haskell Ulmer 1882–1962 M1: 1914 Bessie Thomas 1892–1925 M2: 1936 Clara Izora Rivers 1908–1970
1~Veda Elizabeth Ulmer 1912-1997 M1: Irvin Bartow Mixon 1907-1963 M2: Edward Wilson Long Jr 1925-1994
1~Irvin Elizabeth "Betty" Mixon Thomas 1930–2014
2~Marilyn Mixon Dryman 1938–1971
2~Norris Leroy Ulmer 1916–1918
3~Barbara Ann Ulmer 1932–1932
4~Danny Franklin Ulmer 1936–2011 M: Debbie Smith
2~Lula Edna Ulmer1886-1988 M: Charlie Bostick Shaw 1885-1964
3~James Henry Ulmer 1888–1977
1~Wilson Harvey Ulmer 1915–1979
4~Rosalie Ulmer 1891–1990 M: 1919 Atticus Mixson 1891–1979
5~Lizzie Verna Ulmer 1896–1983 M: 1920 Daniel Edwin Crosby 1896–1972
6~Otto Ancel Ulmer 1901–1988 Garden of Memories Cemetery Tampa, Hillsborough County, FL M: Johnnie Abitha Rimes 1902–1972. Mason member.
1~Mary Lou Ulmer 1928-1963 M: 1950 Claude S Thomas 1925-1966
1~Randel Gordon Thomas 1954-1954
2~Connie Dell Thomas 1959-1963
2~James Adam Ulmer 1857–1887
3~Christopher Columbus Ulmer 1858–1921
4~Henry Lee Ulmer 1863–1933 M: Mabel Mixson 1876–1950
5~Marion Wheeler Ulmer 1867–1936 Largo City Cemetery Largo, Pinellas County, FL M: Dora Angeline Ellis Ulmer 1874–1942
1~Harry Drasdal Ulmer 1898–1976
2~Roland Jennings Ulmer 1900–1965
3~Infant Ulmer 1905–1905
6~Thads Ulmer 1868-
7~Rosalie Ulmer 1868-1967 M: John Theodore Sauls 1859-1967
1~Charles Theodore Sauls 1901-1982William Melvin Ulmer 1871–1953
8~David Jeremiah Ulmer 1874–1947
9~Julius Eugene Ulmer 1878–1942
10~Sarah Helen Ulmer Horton 1880–1968
2~Thomas McTeer Ulmer 1833–1918
3~Jane Elizabeth Ulmer Davis 1836–1911
4~Sophia Rebecca Ulmer 1837–1900
3~Margaret Elizabeth Ulmer1805–1877 M: Ichabod Davis Sineath 1804–1859
4~Beatrice Ulmer 1807–1848 M: David Nathaniel Cannon 1812–1895
5~Dr. Enoch George Ulmer 1812–1863 New Cahaba Cemetery Cahaba, Dallas County, Al M: Graduated from Medical College of South Carolina.
1~William Henry Ulmer 1842–1843
6~Gideon Boswell Ulmer 1812–1898 Ulmer Cemetery Colleton County, SC M: 1837 Athylier Martha Sineath Ulmer 1814–1887
7~Remeliah Langley Ulmer 1815–1891 M: William N Preacher 1813-
8~John Milton Ulmer 1819–1868 M: 1846 Mary C. Breland 1826–1856
1~Andrew Capers Ulmer 1847–1899 M: Emily Eleanor Hudson Ulmer 1843– 1922
2~Claudius Justice Ulmer Sr. 1849–1915 Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery Ruffin, Colleton County, SC M1: 1872 Sarah Mildred Herndon Ulmer 1856–1895 M2: 1896 Annie Clementine Jones Ulmer 1861–1912
3~Mary Margaret Ulmer1851–1917 M: Henry Robert Martin 1840–1917
4~Sarah Valeria Ulmer 1856–1913 M: 1875 John Calvin Smith 1855–1903
2~Anna Guerry Ulmer 1772-1825 M: 1785 Charles Jones Davis 1773-1824
3~Capt. William John Ulmer B: 11/16/1773 D: 06/27/1820 Rose Hill Plantation Cemetery (on the Rose Hill Plantation which once owned by Capt John Ulmer, and is located on the Old Sheldon Church Road between Yemassee and Sheldon). M: 1795 Elizabeth Fletcher-Barton 1788–1833, d/o Elizabeth Fletcher-Barton-Morrison (1758-1790), whose 1st husband was John Barton. He was a "Royalist", loyal to King George II. He was killed by "Tories", American Revolutionary War soldiers, near Charleston, SC. They had a daughter: Elizabeth Fletcher Barton, born 1778, who later married Capt. John Ulmer. Then married in 1779 to Capt. Joseph Morrison "RS" (1756 County Down, Ireland D: 1817 Colleton District, SC). They were the parents of 2 children. John Morrison born 1785, & Margaret J. Morrison born 1786.
1~Margaret Ann Ulmer 1796-1864 M: 1815 William Page Molett 1789-1865
1~John Ulmer Molett 1817-1871 M : 1840 Virginia Susan Caldwell 1821-1872
2~Paul Ulmer B: 1799 Rose Hill Plantation, Beaufort, SC D: 1851 Monticello, Jefferson County, FL M: 1819 Maria Ann Wilson 1801-1846
1~Sarah Margaret Ulmer 1821–1822
2~Capt John Ulmer 1823–1901 M: 1856 Mary Liston Keenan 1838-1917 Civil War: Enlisted in March 1862 in Robert Henry Partridge's 15th Florida Cavalry, Company A. Capt. John Ulmer grew up on his father's Rose Hill Plantation (Beaufort Co, SC.) & received such education as the schools there afforded. He was a very large, handsome man, full of humor and very thrifty on his plantation. He married Mary Liston Kenan of Quincy Fla. who survived him many years. Her sons and daughters left the old home, one by one, as they married, and had homes of their own, except the oldest, Paul, who was a widower. Later it was deemed advisable for the mother, to buy a home and live in Monticello, Florida.
1~Paul Ulmer 1857–1931M: Elizabeth Ulmer
2~Thomas Keenan Ulmer 1859–1943
3~Maria Ulmer Bird 1860–1920 M: 1880 Preston Brooks Bird 1857-1932
4~Joseph Austin Ulmer 1861–1863
5~Louisa Stephens Ulmer 1862–1882
6~Mary Elizabeth Ulmer 1866–1930 M: 1890 Daniel Butler Bird 1859-1922
1~Capt Thomas Buckingham Bird 1892-1953 M: 1927 Martha Pearl Van Dalsem 1902-2001
7~John Ulmer 1868–1886
8~Anna Ulmer 1869–1869
9~Edna Earle Ulmer 1871–1923 Chestnut
10~Frederick Ulmer 1872–1895
11~Guy Ulmer 1875-1952
12~Marcus Mark Ulmer 1876–1947
13~Olivia Celeste Ulmer 1878–1953
14~Weldon Liggon Ulmer 1885–1916
3~Jane Ulmer 1831–1876 M: Alfred Huger
1~Maria Ann Huger 1851–1907
2~John Huger 1853–1910
3~Jane Ulmer Huger 1856–1912 M: 1882 William D Sanders 1851-1904
4~John Barton Ulmer 1801–1808
5~Elizabeth Ulmer 1803–1810
6~Isaac Barton Ulmer 1805–1876 M: 1831 Mary Ann Maria Mulheron 1803-1836 M2: Abigail Johnson Cromwell 1809-1897
1~William M. Ulmer 1833–1833
2~Jane Vanderhorst Ulmer Curtis 1834–1860
01~Malvina Warham Ulmer Brewster 1846–1935
02~Oliver Cromwell Ulmer 1848–1933 M: Sarah Winston Tankersley 1851-1930
1~Frederick William Ulmer 1876–1876
2~Lucy Elizabeth Ulmer 1881–1958
3~Helen Prince Ulmer Littlepage 1885–1963
4~Oliver Cromwell Ulmer 1888–1909
5~Barton Warham Ulmer 1892–1960
7~Alaexander John Ulmer 1807-1847
8~Charles Tullis Ulmer 1810–1842 Waukeenah Methodist Cemetery Waukeenah, Jefferson County, FL. ML
9~Elizabeth Barton Ulmer 1814–1817
4~Peter Ulmer 1778-1806 M: 1799 Margaret Caldwell Smyley 1782-1847
5~James Ulmer 1782-1854 M: 1834 Elizabeth Rachel Platts 1787-1855
6~Catherine Emma Ulmer 1784-1828 M: 1803 Jacobs Stevens 1785-1850
7~David Ulmer
8~Franklin Ulmer
9~Rachel Ulmer
10~Emma Ulmer
1~Johann Heinrich "Henry" Ulmer B: 1714 Ursenbach, Germany D: 1760 M: 1740 Christina Riehl 1719–1785
1~Johann/Heinrich Phillip Ulmer II B: 1741 Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1806 GA M1: 1773 Ann Elizabeth Howard B: 1752 Ruffin, Colleton, SC D: 1815 M2: Elizabeth Ulmer 1775-1806.
1~Eliza Ulmer 1770-1833
3~William Ulmer 1775-1808
4~Charles Marion Ulmer 1779-1841 M: 1824 Mary Eliza Davis 1785-1854 War of 1812: Private, Capt. Johnson's co., 1st regiment, GA militia.
1~Ann Suzannah Ulmer Hedleston 1828–1880
2~George Charles Ulmer 1833–1887
5~Johann/Heinrich Philip Ulmer III 1783-1856 Coldbrook Plantation, Monteith, Chatham County, GA. M1: 1806 Sarah Jane Brantley B: 1792 D: 1826 M2: Eliza Fox 1802-1882
Coldbrook Plantation & Cemetery, Monteith, Chatham County, GA
01~William P Ulmer 1808–1857
02~Eliza Ann Ulmer 1809–1818
03~Charles David Ulmer 1810–1869 Coldbrook Plantation Monteith, GA. M: Susan Dailey 1821–1898.
1~Mary Elizabeth Ulmer 1852–1938 North Salem Baptist Church Cemetery Port Wentworth, Chatham County, GA M: William Hobart Ulmer 1845–1918
2~Susan Ann Ulmer 1858–1920 M: Hinely
3~David Hamilton Ulmer 1863–1950
04~Joseph Thomas Ulmer 1814–1891 M: Amanda Jane Prescott 1828–1886
Coldbrook Plantation
1~William Hobart Ulmer 1845–1918 M: Mary Elizabeth Ulmer 1852–1938, d/o Charles David Ulmer. Civil War veteran and was a member of Salem Church.
1~Charles Rippion Ulmer 1874–1943
2~Marion Levant Ulmer 1877–1930 M: Fannie Ulmer
3~Essie Elizabeth Ulmer 1882–1922 M: Frank Melvin
4~Thomas Joseph Ulmer 1884–1931 M: Rosabell Zittrauer Ulmer 1874–1904
5~Mary Etta Ulmer 1889–1972 M: David Andrew Chapman 1880–1937
6~Philip Herbert Ulmer 1896–1930 M: Nora Lucille Helmly Ulmer Hiott 1898–1967
2~Charles Andrew Ulmer 1850–1916 M: Wilmina L. Ulmer
1~Andrew Ulmer
2~Anderson Glasco Ulmer 1882–1948
3~John Franklin Ulmer 1858–1919 Laurel Grove Cemetery (North) Savannah, Chatham County, GA. M1: Mattie McFarland 1867–1912 M2: Emma Veronica Helmly Beck 1866–1938
1~Harry Clifford Ulmer 1883–1884
2~Annie Lee Ulmer 1894–1894
4~Susan Elizabeth Ulmer 1864–1940 M: Edward Baker Thompson 1857-1936
5~George Marion Ulmer 1870–1935 M: Cornelia Burch Nease 1877-1955
1~Arline Ulmer Sammons 1897–1983
2~Leonora R Ulmer 1898–1909
3~George Alwyn Ulmer 1900–1959
4~William Asbury Ulmer 1903–1962
5~Dessie B Ulmer 1905–1905
6~Vernon Morse Ulmer 1906–1979
7~Charles Wahl Ulmer 1908–1974
8~Eugene Burnette Ulmer 1915–2008
05~John Park Ulmer 1817–1856 M: Mary Catherine Wisenbaker 1825–1885.
1~Francis Marion Ulmer 1844–1846
2~Malcolm Christian Ulmer 1847–1916 M1:1869 Laura Amanda Keller Ulmer 1849–1925 M2: Adaline Rosamond Dasher 1848–1888.
3~Alexander Campbell Ulmer 1850–1893 below M: Adarene Keller 1850-1915
1~Edith Ruby Ulmer 1881–1965 M: James Nottingham Carter 1877–1934
4~Mary Floyd Ulmer 1853–1918 M:Henry Michael Young 1850–1914
1~Campbell Ulmer 1876–1947 M: Eugenia T Young 1876-1974
1~Eugenia Young 1903–1967
2~Campbell Ulmer Young 1913–1998
2~Bessie Young 1878–1961 M: Henry L. Boone 1853-1937
5~John Park Ulmer 1856–1857
06~George W Ulmer 1821-
07~Dr. Benjamin Franklin Ulmer 1836-1891 M: Catherine Ann Stevenson 1843–1891
08~Mary Virginia Ulmer 1838-1857 M1: Eliza Mulryne Fox. M2: Charles Desverger Mary died in childbirth and is buried with her child.
09~Noah Meyers Ulmer 1841–1901 M: 1870 Jane Lawson 1838-
3~Annie Marie Ulmer
4~Peter Ulmer 1749-
5~Henry Ulmer 1752-
2~Johann Adam Ulmer "RS" 1743 Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany D: 1799 Salkehatchie, Colleton County, SC M: Margaret Ann LeGrand 1734-1787
1~Henry Enoch Ulmer B: 11/15/1771 SC D: 07/08/1833 Salkehatchie, SC M: 1789 Mary Margaret Langley 1774–1839
1~Adam Ulmer 1795–1839 M: 12/28/1820 Rebecca Ann McTeer 1805–1873, d/o John McTeer & Ann Barrie.
1~Henry David Ulmer 1821–1896 M: Anna Elizabeth Youmans Ulmer 1836–1892
1~Tullious Edward Ulmer 1855–1936 M1: Annie Elizabeth Terry Ulmer 1862–1906 M2: Bessie Mixson Deer 1885–1960
1~Edwin Haskell Ulmer 1882–1962 M1: Bessie Thomas 1892–1925 M2: Clara Izora Rivers 1908–1970
1~Norris Leroy Ulmer 1916–1918
2~James Henry Ulmer 1888–1977
1~Wilson Harvey Ulmer 1915–1979
3~Rosalie Ulmer 1891–1990 M: 1919 Atticus Mixson 1891–1979
4~Lizzie Verna Ulmer 1896–1983 M: 1920 Daniel Edwin Crosby 1896–1972
5~Otto Ancel Ulmer 1901–1988 Garden of Memories Cemetery Tampa, Hillsborough County, FL M: Johnnie Abitha Rimes 1902–1972. Mason member.
2~James Adam Ulmer 1857–1887 SC
3~Christopher Columbus Ulmer 1858–1921 M: 1893 Loutilla Gertrude Mixson 1877-1960
4~Henry Lee Ulmer 1863–1933 M: Mabel Mixson 1876–1950
5~Marion Wheeler Ulmer 1867–1936 Largo City Cemetery Largo, Pinellas County, FL M: Dora Angeline Ellis Ulmer 1874–1942
1~Harry Drasdal Ulmer 1898–1976
2~Roland Jennings Ulmer 1900–1965
3~Infant Ulmer 1905–1905
Taken near Marion Wheeler Ulmer's turpentine still, c. 1905. Left to right: Captain Anderson, unknown woman, David Ulmer (M. W.'s brother), Louise McMullen. David Ulmer and Capt. Anderson were guards at the still. One of M. W. Ulmer's turpentine stills was located on what later became known as Ulmerton Road.
6~Thads Ulmer 1868-
7~Rosalie Ulmer 1868-1967 M: John Theodore Sauls 1859-1967
1~Charles Theodore Sauls 1901-1982
8~William Melvin Ulmer 1871–1953 M: M: Emma Adaline Lloyd 1883-1968
9~David Jeremiah Ulmer 1874–1947 M: Lura Elizabeth Huggins 1893-1951
10~Julius Eugene Ulmer 1878–1942 M: Mary Elizabeth Sauls 1882-1966
11~Sarah Helen Ulmer 1880–1968 M: 1899 Stanislaus Stillman Horton 1871-1949
2~Thomas McTeer Ulmer 1833–1918
3~Jane Elizabeth Ulmer Davis 1836–1911
4~Sophia Rebecca Ulmer 1837–1900
2~Margaret Elizabeth Ulmer1805–1877 M: Ichabod Davis Sineath 1804–1859
3~Beatrice Ulmer 1807–1848 M: David Nathaniel Cannon 1812–1895
4~Dr. Enoch George Ulmer 1812–1863 New Cahaba Cemetery Cahaba, Dallas County, Al M: Graduated from Medical College of South Carolina.
1~William Henry Ulmer 1842–1843
5~Gideon Boswell Ulmer 1812–1898 Ulmer Cemetery Colleton County, SC M: 1837 Athylier Martha Sineath Ulmer 1814–1887
6~Remeliah Langley Ulmer 1815–1891 M: William N Preacher 1813-
7~John Milton Ulmer 1819–1868 M: 1846 Mary C. Breland Ulmer 1826–1854
1~Andrew Capers Ulmer 1847–1899 M: Emily Eleanor Hudson Ulmer 1843–1922
2~Claudius Justice Ulmer Sr. 1849–1915 Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery Ruffin, Colleton County, SC M1: 1872 Sarah Mildred Herndon Ulmer 1856–1895 M2: 1896 Annie Clementine Jones Ulmer 1861–1912.
3~Mary Margaret Ulmer1851–1917 M: Henry Robert Martin 1840–1917
4~Sarah Valeria Ulmer 1856–1913 M: 1875 John Calvin Smith 1855–1903
2~Capt. John Ulmer B: 11/16/1773 D: 06/27/1820 Rose Hill Plantation Cemetery (on the Rose Hill Plantation which once owned by Capt John Ulmer, and is located on the Old Sheldon Church Road between Yemassee and Sheldon). M: 1795 Margaret Elizabeth Fletcher-Barton 1788–1833, d/o Elizabeth Fletcher-Barton-Morrison (1758-1790), whose 1st husband was John Barton. He was a "Royalist", loyal to King George II. He was killed by "Tories", American Revolutionary War soldiers, near Charleston, SC. They had a daughter: Elizabeth Fletcher Barton, born 1778, who later married Capt. John Ulmer. Then married in 1779 to Capt. Joseph Morrison "RS" (1756 County Down, Ireland D: 1817 Colleton District, SC). They were the parents of 2 children. John Morrison born 1785, & Margaret J. Morrison born 1786.
Rose Hill Plantation
1~Margaret Ann Ulmer 1796-1864 M: 1815 William Page Molett 1789-1865
1~John Ulmer Molett 1817-1871
2~Paul Ulmer B: 1799 Rose Hill Plantation, Beaufort, SC D: 1851 Monticello, Jefferson County, FL M: 1819 Maria Ann Wilson 1801-1846
1~Sarah Margaret Ulmer 1821–1822
2~John Ulmer 1823–1901 M: 1856 Mary Liston Keenan 1838-1917 Civil War: Enlisted in March 1862 in Robert Henry Partridge's 15th Florida Cavalry, Company A. Capt. John Ulmer grew up on his father's Rose Hill Plantation (Beaufort Co, SC.) & received such education as the schools there afforded. He was a very large, handsome man, full of humor and very thrifty on his plantation. He married Mary Liston Kenan of Quincy Fla. who survived him many years. Her sons and daughters left the old home, one by one, as they married, and had homes of their own, except the oldest, Paul, who was a widower. Later it was deemed advisable for the mother, to buy a home and live in Monticello, Florida.
1~Paul Ulmer 1857–1931
2~Thomas Keenan Ulmer 1859–1943
3~Maria Ulmer Bird 1860–1920
4~Joseph Austin Ulmer 1861–1863
5~Louisa Stephens Ulmer 1862–1882
6~Mary Elizabeth Ulmer Bird 1866–1930
7~John Ulmer 1868–1886
8~Anna Ulmer 1869–1869
9~Edna Earle Ulmer Chestnut 1871–1923
10~Frederick Ulmer 1872–1895
11~Guy Ulmer 1875-1952
12~Marcus Mark Ulmer 1876–1947
13~Olivia Celeste Ulmer 1878–1953
14~Weldon Liggon Ulmer 1885–1916
3~Jane Ulmer 1831–1876 M: Alfred Huger
1~Maria Ann Huger 1851–1907
2~John Huger 1853–1910
3~Jane Ulmer Huger 1856–1912 M: 1882 William D Sanders 1851-1904
4~John Barton Ulmer 1801–1808
5~Elizabeth Ulmer 1803–1810
6~Isaac Barton Ulmer 1805–1876 M: 1831 Mary Ann Maria Mulheron 1803-1836 M2: Abigail Johnson Cromwell 1809-1897
1~William M. Ulmer 1833–1833
2~Jane Vanderhorst Ulmer Curtis 1834–1860
01~Malvina Warham Ulmer Brewster 1846–1935
02~Oliver Cromwell Ulmer 1848–1933 M: Sarah Winston Tankersley 1851-1930
2~Frederick William Ulmer 1876–1876
3~Lucy Elizabeth Ulmer 1881–1958
4~Helen Prince Ulmer Littlepage 1885–1963
5~Oliver Cromwell Ulmer 1888–1909
6~Barton Warham Ulmer 1892–1960
7~Alexander John Ulmer B: 1807 Rose Hill Plantation, Beaufort, SC D: 1847 M: 1830 Elizabeth Ruger Morrison 1813-1854
1~Eleanor Cordelia Ulmer 1835–1853
2~Mary Julia Ulmer Kennedy 1839–1908
3~Alexander Joseph Ulmer 1845–1921
8~Charles Tullis Ulmer B: 1810 Rose Hill Plantation, Beaufort, SC D: 1842 Waukeenah Methodist Cemetery Waukeenah, Jefferson County, FL. M: Marie Elizabeth Stevens 1811-1893
9~Enoch G Ulmer 1812-
10~Elizabeth Barton Ulmer 1814–1817
3~Peter Ulmer B: 1778 SC D: 1806 AL M: Margaret Caldwell Smyly B: D: 1847
1~Col John James Ulmer 1803-1847 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, AL M: Nancy Jane Davis 1808-1891
1~Sophia Martha Ulmer 1829–1889 M: 1847 Robert Paisley Rives 1824-1882
2~William Page Mollett Ulmer 1834–1865, during thge Civil War
3~John James Ulmer 1837–1878 AL M Martha Gullett 1854-1911
4~Dr. Adam Peter Leonard Ulmer 1840–1875 M: Amelia Ervin Gullett
1~Orlean Ulmer 1868-1869
5~Margaret Mary Ulmer 1845–1888 M: William Edwin Browning 1939-1918
1~Robert Henry Browning 1872–1895
2~Nannie Ulmer Browning Riggs 1874–1936
3~William Edwin Browning 1879–1961
Rose Hill Plantation
Wills Grove in Palm Harbor. Early 1923J. D. Ulmer is forth from the left in picture - Father of Mrs. Audrey Butler
James Adam Ulmer 1857–1887
Henry Lee Ulmer
Marion Wheeler Ulmer 1867–1936
Marion Wheeler Ulmer
James Henry Ulmer 1888–1977
Charles Tullis Ulmer 1810–1842
Mary Virginia Ulmer Desverger 1838-1857
John Franklin Ulmer 1858–1919
Noah Meyers Ulmer 1841–1901
Tullious Edward Ulmer, Sr
Christopher Columbus Ulmer
PO BOX 1909